------ Mensaje reenviado
De: Andreas Raab <
[hidden email]>
Responder a: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
[hidden email]>
Fecha: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 01:26:29 -0800
Para: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
[hidden email]>
Asunto: Re: [ANN] A 6 MB SqueakPlugin.image
Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:
> Your example is what I see when I first run the actual oficial
> SqueakPlugin.image and look the show source in browser.
> But what I asking is.
> How I could have MySqueak.image and you (other person) could use via web ?
Not automatically, and quite deliberately so because of security
concerns. Silently downloading and running an image via the plugin would
make your users vulnerable to all sorts of nasty attacks. You will have
to convince your users to download and install the image you'd like them
to use first.
> Today I have
http://201-212-99-13.cab.prima.net.ar:8888 for running my
> swikis, what wish know is the setup for MySqueak.image and the html code.
> That way you (other person) don't need install any Squeak, only type
http://201-212-99-13.cab.prima.net.ar/RemoteSqueak or similar.
Well, the plugin won't do that for you. It allows you to use any image
file that your user has previously installed but it will not download
and install an image.
- Andreas
------ Fin del mensaje reenviado
Es un honor que alguien como Raab me tenga en cuenta y me aclare esto, asi
que para los TEG entusiastas, el tema estaria en armar una TEG.image
recontraminima (entre 4 y 5 mb) ponerla disponible a todos en el ftp y para
evitar los riesgos que dice Raab usar server de coordinacion donde se
grabarian los datos de juego .
A este server se conectaria cada uno y de aqui leeria los datos necesarios .
Que les parece la idea ?
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