RV: putting 3.10 to rest

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RV: putting 3.10 to rest

Edgar J. De Cleene
Microsoft conspiera contra nosotros...
Esto tendría que ser privado, pero mejor que se sepa

------ Mensaje reenviado

> De: Ralph Johnson <[hidden email]>
> Fecha: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 08:44:11 -0500
> Para: Edgar <[hidden email]>
> Asunto: Re: putting 3.10 to rest
> On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 4:19 AM, Edgar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On Mar 3, 2008, at 4:16 AM, Ralph Johnson wrote:
>>> I'm sorry for disappearing on you.  I just got so busy I quit
>>> answering e-mail.  I have a lot of catching up to do.
>>> I wrote a READ ME for 3.10 at http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6026
>>> I wanted to emphasize Package Universe because it is the biggest change we
>>> made.
>>> Let me know if you have questions about it, or suggestions.
>>> What you are doing with 3.11 is fine, but to make it official, you
>>> need the approval of the board.  The board is most interested in the
>>> copyright problem.  Maybe the new board won't be, but the old board
>>> is.
>>> An important step in solving the copyright problem is shrinking the
>>> image.  i think it is time to make KernelImage the core.  I think the
>>> next release of Squeak should be based on KernelImage.  There should
>>> be several images released.  One would be a BasicSqueak that is
>>> KernelImage plus Morphic.  But the KernelImage should also be an
>>> important product.
>>> I think Package Universe is key to making all this work.  First,
>>> someone has to make Package Universe work with KernelImage.  Then,
>>> everything needs to be turned into a Package.  It should be easy to
>>> start with the KernelImage and load up squeak-dev.
>>> Tests should be put in their own packages.  I don't think there should
>>> be a single, huge package.  Instead, there should be a package of
>>> tests for each package in PU, including MinimalMorphic and anything
>>> else that runs on top of KernelImage.
>>> I am planning to package up my testing system and send it to you.
>>> -Ralph
>> We are out of sinchronism.
>> I very happy you are well.
>> I move on and as collateral damage I don´t have web yet.
>> Yesterday I go to some friends and unload more of thousand mails .
>> So take this as slow dirty answer.
>> I agree 100 % on all.
>> The key is have Pavel with us and polish the Universe loading mechanism.
>> Also re'define the Morphic split for having more packages, modules,
>> ¨Ladrillos¨or whatever we wish call the ¨pieces¨for going from Kernel or
>> MinimalMorphico or Squeak 3.11 towards complex images like Damien or
>> FunSqueak or any special big and complex ones.
>> Hope we could work together again in short time.
>> Regards.
>> Edgar
> This mail, which you sent March 15, arrived in my in-box just a couple
> of minutes ago.
> -Ralph

------ Fin del mensaje reenviado

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Squeak on iphone

Francisco A. Lizarralde

Ya no tenés excusas para tener tu iphone.
Ahh, me olvidaba del precio ;-)




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Re: Squeak on iphone

Edgar J. De Cleene

El 9/11/08 2:50 PM, "Francisco A. Lizarralde" <[hidden email]>

> Edgar,
> Ya no tenés excusas para tener tu iphone.
> Ahh, me olvidaba del precio ;-)
> http://news.squeak.org/2008/09/11/squeak-on-the-iphone-available-for-download/
> Saludos,
> Francisco

Tengo el iPod Touch, que es lo mismo sin cámara y sin celular.
Espero que en algún momento tenga Squeak en el bichito, que la verdad uso
muy poco y nada
