Tim wrote:
>Did anybody not see this?
>It's made a bit of a splash today. I think it will make a pretty neat Squeak machine, especially for any sort of MC
>server setup etc. I
Smalltalk on the PI is cool. I run Pharo on Pi since a few years and it has a decent performance and is stable
for serving stuff. See my medium article [1] and video [2] from 2015.
I also was also able to run the old Squeak Comanche Wiki on it and use it for personal stuff.
For Pharo the current status on PI is described here:
http://lists.pharo.org/pipermail/pharo-dev_lists.pharo.org/2019-June/275553.html>Now to find someone to fund the work to do the 64bit ARM Cog.
Yes - an 64bit ARM Cog for OpenSmalltalk VM would be really great. It could also help pushing Smalltalk IoT platforms like
http://www.pharoiot.orgMaybe a project on a crowdfunding plattform could help and show if there is enough interest...