Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

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Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

> > I want to apply smalltalk to fibonacci numbers. I
> add
> > this method
> > to Integer,
> >
> > fib:
> >     (self = 0) ifTrue: (^0)
> >     (self = 1) ifTrue: (^1)
> >     ^ (self - 1 fib) + (self - 2 fib).
> >
> > Next, I would like to memoize this method,
> (because of
> > the enormous performance gains).  I do not see how
> to
> > memo-ize things in smalltalk. Can somebody help me
> see the necessary
> > shift in thinking?
> I don't see why memoization would be different in
> Smalltalk. Or why it  
> would specifically have to be, rather. You might
> create a Fibonacci class  
> that contained an array or somesuch and cached the
> numbers that had  
> already been called. (Slowly taking up more and more
> space over time.)

So. You would have an array called Fibs or Primes, and
just stack up a collection of Primes that would hang

I think that I would enjoy that. I think I get it.

(Thanks I think)
Thanks I: think.

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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Michael Davies-2
> > > I want to apply smalltalk to fibonacci numbers. I

> > > Next, I would like to memoize this method,

Hi Mark,
By coincidence, I was playing with this myself yesterday. If you're
interested in the numbers rather than the technique, there's a couple
of alternative approaches to speed it up, iteration and matrix


        "Answer the fibonacci number at the receiver."
        | fib |
        self < 0 ifTrue: [self error: 'Not valid for negative integers'].
        self = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0].
        self = 1 ifTrue: [^ 1].
        fib := IntegerArray new: self.
        fib at: 1 put: 1.
        fib at: 2 put: 1.
        3 to: self do: [ :each | fib at: each put: ((fib at: (each - 1)) +
fib at: (each - 2))].
        ^ fib at: self.

        "Answer the fibonacci number at the receiver."
        | m mx f |
        "Writing f1 = f1 and f2 = f0 + f1 in matrix notation and generalising
        shows us that:
        ( fn  ) = ( 0 1 )   . ( f0 )
        ( fn+1) = ( 1 1 )     ( f1 )
        self < 0 ifTrue: [self error: 'Not valid for negative integers'].
        self = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0].
        m := (Matrix ones: 2) "ie 2x2 matrix all set to 1"
                                at: 1 at: 1 put: 0;
        mx := m copy.
        (self - 1) timesRepeat: [ mx := mx +* m ]. "could speed up by hand
crafted multiply"
        f := Matrix column: #(0 1). "ie single column defined as shown"
        ^ (mx +* f) at: 1 at: 1
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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Unconditional
On Oct 3, 2007, at 15:55 , Mark Smithfield wrote:

>>> I want to apply smalltalk to fibonacci numbers. I
>> add
>>> this method
>>> to Integer,
>>> fib:
>>>     (self = 0) ifTrue: (^0)
>>>     (self = 1) ifTrue: (^1)
>>>     ^ (self - 1 fib) + (self - 2 fib).

This is not Smalltalk. Blocks need square brackets, and unary  
messages bind more closely that binary messages (a.k.a. operators):

        ^self <= 1
                ifTrue: [self]
                ifFalse: [(self - 1) fib + (self - 2) fib]

>>> Next, I would like to memoize this method,
>> (because of
>>> the enormous performance gains).  I do not see how
>> to
>>> memo-ize things in smalltalk. Can somebody help me
>> see the necessary
>>> shift in thinking?
>> I don't see why memoization would be different in
>> Smalltalk. Or why it
>> would specifically have to be, rather. You might
>> create a Fibonacci class
>> that contained an array or somesuch and cached the
>> numbers that had
>> already been called. (Slowly taking up more and more
>> space over time.)
> So. You would have an array called Fibs or Primes, and
> just stack up a collection of Primes that would hang
> around?

        ^ self fibMemoizeIn: (Array new: self withAll: 0)

fibMemoizeIn: anArray
        | fib |
        self <= 1 ifTrue: [^self].
        (fib := anArray at: self) > 0 ifTrue: [^ fib].
        ^ anArray at: self
                put: (self - 1 fibMemoizeIn: anArray) + (self - 2 fibMemoizeIn:  

- Bert -

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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Michael Davies-2

On Oct 3, 2007, at 16:31 , Michael Davies wrote:

>>>> I want to apply smalltalk to fibonacci numbers. I
>>>> Next, I would like to memoize this method,
> Hi Mark,
> By coincidence, I was playing with this myself yesterday. If you're
> interested in the numbers rather than the technique, there's a couple
> of alternative approaches to speed it up, iteration and matrix
> manipulation.
> Michael
> fibonacci
> "Answer the fibonacci number at the receiver."
> | fib |
> self < 0 ifTrue: [self error: 'Not valid for negative integers'].
> self = 0 ifTrue: [^ 0].
> self = 1 ifTrue: [^ 1].
> fib := IntegerArray new: self.
> fib at: 1 put: 1.
> fib at: 2 put: 1.
> 3 to: self do: [ :each | fib at: each put: ((fib at: (each - 1)) +
> fib at: (each - 2))].
> ^ fib at: self.

Now that is plain silly. If you just iterate, why store in an array?  
(Also note that you want an Array, not an IntegerArray which are only  
32 bits. Fibonaccis get large quickly.)

        | a b c |
        a := 0.
        b := 1.
        1 to: self do: [:i |
                c := b.
                b := a.
                a := b + c].
        ^ a

I doubt you can do much better in Squeak. 100000 fibIter takes under  
a second on my machine. Well, printing that  large number (more than  
20000 digits) takes 7 seconds.

- Bert -

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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg

On Oct 3, 2007, at 16:49 , Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> On Oct 3, 2007, at 15:55 , Mark Smithfield wrote:
>>>> I want to apply smalltalk to fibonacci numbers. I
>>> add
>>>> this method
>>>> to Integer,
>>>> fib:
>>>>     (self = 0) ifTrue: (^0)
>>>>     (self = 1) ifTrue: (^1)
>>>>     ^ (self - 1 fib) + (self - 2 fib).
> This is not Smalltalk. Blocks need square brackets, and unary  
> messages bind more closely that binary messages (a.k.a. operators):
> fib
> ^self <= 1
> ifTrue: [self]
> ifFalse: [(self - 1) fib + (self - 2) fib]
>>>> Next, I would like to memoize this method,
>>> (because of
>>>> the enormous performance gains).  I do not see how
>>> to
>>>> memo-ize things in smalltalk. Can somebody help me
>>> see the necessary
>>>> shift in thinking?
>>> I don't see why memoization would be different in
>>> Smalltalk. Or why it
>>> would specifically have to be, rather. You might
>>> create a Fibonacci class
>>> that contained an array or somesuch and cached the
>>> numbers that had
>>> already been called. (Slowly taking up more and more
>>> space over time.)
>> So. You would have an array called Fibs or Primes, and
>> just stack up a collection of Primes that would hang
>> around?
> fibMemo
> ^ self fibMemoizeIn: (Array new: self withAll: 0)
> fibMemoizeIn: anArray
> | fib |
> self <= 1 ifTrue: [^self].
> (fib := anArray at: self) > 0 ifTrue: [^ fib].
> ^ anArray at: self
> put: (self - 1 fibMemoizeIn: anArray) + (self - 2 fibMemoizeIn:  
> anArray)

Hmm, this is better - don't need to initialize with zeroes:

        ^ self fibMemoizeIn: (Array new: self)

fibMemoizeIn: anArray
        self <= 1 ifTrue: [^ self].
        (anArray at: self) ifNotNilDo: [:fib | ^ fib].
        ^ anArray at: self
                put: (self - 1 fibMemoizeIn: anArray) + (self - 2 fibMemoizeIn:  

But note that the iterative method is still faster.

- Bert -

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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Michael Davies-2
In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg
On 03/10/2007, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Now that is plain silly. If you just iterate, why store in an array?

Good question. No good answer :-(
Your solution is >20x faster, thanks!
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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Gregory Hinton-2
In reply to this post by Michael Davies-2

On Oct 3, 2007, at 7:31 AM, Michael Davies wrote:

> If you're
> interested in the numbers rather than the technique, there's a couple
> of alternative approaches to speed it up, iteration and matrix
> manipulation.

Actually, in the case of the Fibonacci sequence, the best way to  
speed it up is to use the closed-form formula:

        |phi1 phi2 term1 term2|
        phi1 := (1 + 5 sqrt) / 2.
        phi2 := (1 - 5 sqrt) / 2.
        term1 := phi1 raisedTo: self.
        term2 := phi2 raisedTo: self.
        ^((term1 - term2) / (5 sqrt)) rounded.
Sorry, I realize the OP requested a recursive solution, but I  
couldn't resist. :)

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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Bert Freudenberg
On Oct 4, 2007, at 6:41 , Gregory Hinton wrote:

> On Oct 3, 2007, at 7:31 AM, Michael Davies wrote:
>> If you're
>> interested in the numbers rather than the technique, there's a couple
>> of alternative approaches to speed it up, iteration and matrix
>> manipulation.
> Actually, in the case of the Fibonacci sequence, the best way to  
> speed it up is to use the closed-form formula:
> nthFibonacci
> |phi1 phi2 term1 term2|
> phi1 := (1 + 5 sqrt) / 2.
> phi2 := (1 - 5 sqrt) / 2.
> term1 := phi1 raisedTo: self.
> term2 := phi2 raisedTo: self.
> ^((term1 - term2) / (5 sqrt)) rounded.
> Sorry, I realize the OP requested a recursive solution, but I  
> couldn't resist. :)

This is inaccurate for many numbers and fails for most:

"100 nthFibonacci" gives 354224848179262259200 (actually  

"1500 nthFibonacci" error

whereas the iterative version gives exact results and works as long  
as we can store the result in memory. Iterative fib of 1500 takes 1.3  
ms on my machine.

- Bert -

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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2


Cacheing Fibonacci is a nice standard example for memoizing that we  
use in our Smalltalk course.


The relevant lecture is 07BestPractice.ppt

We start with a naive solution:

Fibs>>at: anIndex
        self assert: anIndex >= 1.
        anIndex = 1 ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
        anIndex = 2 ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
        ^ (self at: anIndex - 1) + (self at: anIndex - 2)

Fibs new at: 35

works but is very slow.

We add a cache and slightly transform the #at: method:

Object subclass: #Fibs
        instanceVariableNames: 'fibCache'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'Misc'

        fibCache := Dictionary new

        ^ fibCache

Fibs>>lookup: anIndex
        ^ self fibCache at: anIndex ifAbsentPut: [ self at: anIndex ]

Fibs>>at: anIndex
        self assert: anIndex >= 1.
        anIndex = 1 ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
        anIndex = 2 ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
        ^ (self lookup: anIndex - 1) + (self lookup: anIndex - 2)

Note that the change to the at: method is minimal.

Now Fibs new at: 100
is linear and virtually instantaneous.

Now you can use this method from Integer in the obvious way:

        ^ Fibs new at: self

1000 fib -->


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Memoization (was: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2)

Bert Freudenberg
On Oct 4, 2007, at 10:54 , Oscar Nierstrasz wrote:

> Cacheing Fibonacci is a nice standard example for memoizing that we  
> use in our Smalltalk course.
> [...]
> Now Fibs new at: 100
> is linear and virtually instantaneous.

... though with "real" memoization you would get sub-linear amortized  
cost on repeated calls (by reusing the Fibs instance or in a class var).

Which makes me wonder if there is a standard Smalltalk practice for  
generic memoization. The only thing that comes to my mind is Method  
Wrappers, but for some reason that doesn't seem to be a common  
application or even example for their use.

- Bert -

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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Gregory Hinton-2
In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg
On Oct 4, 2007, at 12:23 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> On Oct 4, 2007, at 6:41 , Gregory Hinton wrote:
>> On Oct 3, 2007, at 7:31 AM, Michael Davies wrote:
>>> If you're
>>> interested in the numbers rather than the technique, there's a  
>>> couple
>>> of alternative approaches to speed it up, iteration and matrix
>>> manipulation.
>> Actually, in the case of the Fibonacci sequence, the best way to  
>> speed it up is to use the closed-form formula:
>> nthFibonacci
>> |phi1 phi2 term1 term2|
>> phi1 := (1 + 5 sqrt) / 2.
>> phi2 := (1 - 5 sqrt) / 2.
>> term1 := phi1 raisedTo: self.
>> term2 := phi2 raisedTo: self.
>> ^((term1 - term2) / (5 sqrt)) rounded.
>> Sorry, I realize the OP requested a recursive solution, but I  
>> couldn't resist. :)
> This is inaccurate for many numbers and fails for most:
> "100 nthFibonacci" gives 354224848179262259200 (actually  
> 354224848179261915075)
> "1500 nthFibonacci" error
> whereas the iterative version gives exact results and works as long  
> as we can store the result in memory. Iterative fib of 1500 takes  
> 1.3 ms on my machine.

Hmmmm, good catch.  I had overlooked the finite precision of floating  

Looks like it's accurate up to "75 nthFibonacci" but thereafter  
diverges from reality.

This is why I prefer mathematics to computer science: mathematicians  
can assume the existence of irrational numbers. ;)
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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Bert Freudenberg

On Oct 4, 2007, at 11:15 , Gregory Hinton wrote:

> On Oct 4, 2007, at 12:23 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> On Oct 4, 2007, at 6:41 , Gregory Hinton wrote:
>>> On Oct 3, 2007, at 7:31 AM, Michael Davies wrote:
>>>> If you're
>>>> interested in the numbers rather than the technique, there's a  
>>>> couple
>>>> of alternative approaches to speed it up, iteration and matrix
>>>> manipulation.
>>> Actually, in the case of the Fibonacci sequence, the best way to  
>>> speed it up is to use the closed-form formula:
>>> nthFibonacci
>>> |phi1 phi2 term1 term2|
>>> phi1 := (1 + 5 sqrt) / 2.
>>> phi2 := (1 - 5 sqrt) / 2.
>>> term1 := phi1 raisedTo: self.
>>> term2 := phi2 raisedTo: self.
>>> ^((term1 - term2) / (5 sqrt)) rounded.
>>> Sorry, I realize the OP requested a recursive solution, but I  
>>> couldn't resist. :)
>> This is inaccurate for many numbers and fails for most:
>> "100 nthFibonacci" gives 354224848179262259200 (actually  
>> 354224848179261915075)
>> "1500 nthFibonacci" error
>> whereas the iterative version gives exact results and works as  
>> long as we can store the result in memory. Iterative fib of 1500  
>> takes 1.3 ms on my machine.
> Hmmmm, good catch.  I had overlooked the finite precision of  
> floating point.
> Looks like it's accurate up to "75 nthFibonacci" but thereafter  
> diverges from reality.
> This is why I prefer mathematics to computer science:  
> mathematicians can assume the existence of irrational numbers. ;)

Right. At least we use true Integers, in contrast to most popular  

- Bert -

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Re: Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg

Here's another solution that, like Bert's, does not require an  
instance variable or an additional class.  the advantage, I think, is  
that the concerns of computing the result and managing the cache are  
separated, so it is easy to adapt to other situations:

        self assert: self >= 1.
        ^ self fibWithCache: Dictionary new.! !

Integer>>fibLookup: cache
        ^ cache at: self ifAbsentPut: [ self fibWithCache: cache ] ! !

Integer>>fibWithCache: cache
        self assert: self >= 1.
        (self == 1) ifTrue: [ ^1].
        (self == 2) ifTrue: [ ^1].
        ^ ((self - 1) fibLookup: cache) + ((self - 2) fibLookup: cache)! !

Here too, the caching version is only slightly modified from the  
slow, non-caching version.

        self assert: self >= 1.
        (self == 1) ifTrue: [ ^1].
        (self == 2) ifTrue: [ ^1].
        ^ (self - 1) fib + (self - 2) fib! !


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Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

Nicolas Cellier-3
In reply to this post by Gregory Hinton-2
Maybe you could try with ArbitraryPrecisionFloat package (browse
But you should then know the Number of bits to use in advance...

Or try a package that can deal with AlgebraicNumber, maybe MathMorph
would do that?

In Smalltalk, ideas are programmed so fast that it's fun...

Gregory Hinton a écrit :
> Hmmmm, good catch.  I had overlooked the finite precision of floating
> point.
> Looks like it's accurate up to "75 nthFibonacci" but thereafter diverges
> from reality.
> This is why I prefer mathematics to computer science: mathematicians can
> assume the existence of irrational numbers. ;)

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