Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 22, Issue 9

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Re: Beginners Digest, Vol 22, Issue 9

Andy Burnett
@Yoshiki (and everyone else)

Thanks very much for the suggestions about using the self halt and  
dragging onto a workspace - that is very helpful.

The E-Toy Outliner is a small example application - not sure if it is  
in all images. Try searching for Outliner in the classes.  I am hoping  
to extend it so that it can save data to a web server etc. It will be  
an interesting test as my knowledge develops.

I found another solution to getting a handle on an object that was  
dragged from a flap. If I inspect the object and then execute  
something like Temp1 := self  (in the inspector bottom pane), I then  
have a handle on it via a global variable. This also led me to learn  
that Smalltalk removeKey: Temp1 - let's me tidy up the dictionary.

Finally, I have started a blog called

The idea is that it will capture my 'hmms' and 'ahhs' as I go through  
the process. I only mention this in case it is of use/interest to  
other beginners.


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Named Primitives et al

Hi I'm looking to hook up my own dlls (and some of the standard windows
ones too in due course) to Squeak. I've been through the named-primitive
tutorial and it appears that it is for earlier versions of Squeak than
the present version. Can anyone point me in the right direction to
calling a C interfaced DLL in windows from Squeak (the latest version)?

Many thx

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Re: Named Primitives et al

> Hi I'm looking to hook up my own dlls (and some of the standard windows
> ones too in due course) to Squeak. I've been through the named-primitive
> tutorial and it appears that it is for earlier versions of Squeak than
> the present version. Can anyone point me in the right direction to
> calling a C interfaced DLL in windows from Squeak (the latest version)?

Not sure at all, but maybe what you're looking for is FFI...

You'll find FFI-examples in the universe browser...



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RE: Named Primitives et al

Thx. I've read that article but I can't find an ExternalTypes class in my image. Do I need to load a particular package to get NamedPrimitives or FFI to work?



-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of cdrick
Sent: 20 February 2008 13:31
To: A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions aboutSqueak.
Subject: Re: [Newbies] Named Primitives et al

> Hi I'm looking to hook up my own dlls (and some of the standard windows
> ones too in due course) to Squeak. I've been through the named-primitive
> tutorial and it appears that it is for earlier versions of Squeak than
> the present version. Can anyone point me in the right direction to
> calling a C interfaced DLL in windows from Squeak (the latest version)?

Not sure at all, but maybe what you're looking for is FFI...

You'll find FFI-examples in the universe browser...


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Re: Named Primitives et al

depends on your image... Maybe it's not loaded as in 3.9 and later...

Go and see in Universe Browser (open menu) under the category system
then select the different FFI-categories and install them. Maybe
you'll have to make an "update list from network" in the Universe
Browser first.



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Re[2]: Named Primitives et al

Herbert König
In reply to this post by david.briant
Hello David,

dbuc> Thx. I've read that article but I can't find an
dbuc> ExternalTypes class in my image. Do I need to load a particular
dbuc> package to get NamedPrimitives or FFI to work?

maybe you are not aware of the fact that FFI and namedPrimitives are
two independent ways to talk to external code.

To create named primitives you need to get the VMMAKER package,
Cédrick replied on FFI.

As far as I know named primitives are a better choice if you need to
call into a dll very often. You can put the loop which calls into the
external code into the C- code you generate as a primitive and thus
have less overhead.

All in all these are not really beginners topics, so maybe ask in


Herbert                            mailto:[hidden email]

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