Re: Building a remote countdown clock

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Re: Building a remote countdown clock

Andy Burnett
Herbert said

<<Some code:

Socket initializeNetwork  "Only once per image"
dst := Socket newUDP setPort: 1979.
src := Socket newUDP setPort: 2345.
buff := ByteArray new: 1026.
delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 10.
localhost := ByteArray withAll: { 192. 168. 42. 11 }.
received := nil.

rp := [[ received := dst receiveUDPDataInto: buff.
 received first  isZero ] whileTrue: [ delay wait ].
 WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: [ { buff. received } inspect ]] fork.

src sendUDPData: ( 'ctmame' , (String value: 10) , (String value: 162)) toHost: localhost port:  1979.

rp terminate.
src closeAndDestroy.
dst closeAndDestroy.

src := nil.
dst := nil.
buff := nil.
delay := nil.
rp := nil.

Smalltalk garbageCollect
Socket allInstances>>

That's great, thank you very much.  I have a couple of other questions that sprang from using this code.
1. I couldn't get the WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: to do anything.  What is supposed to happen?  I am running the latest Pharo build. The class exists, and I didn't get a DNU, but I didn't get anything else either!

2. Out of curiosity, I tried used the NetNameResolver addressForName: method as a way of getting a socket address  (instead of using the ByteArray.  I tried this when nothing was working, and I noticed the method call in several of the Socket methods.  However, Squeak gave me a DNU.  Is there a simple way to enter host names using the NetNameResolver, or have I completely misunderstood its function?


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Re: Re: Building a remote countdown clock

Herbert König
Hi Andy,

AB> That's great, thank you very much.  I have a couple of other
AB> questions that sprang from using this code.
AB> 1. I couldn't get the WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: to do
AB> anything.  What is supposed to happen?  I am running the latest
AB> Pharo build. The class exists, and I didn't get a DNU, but I
AB> didn't get anything else either!

uh yeah I wasn't sure what approach you would choose and I was about
to leave for work. Sorry.

First I'm on Squeak 3.8 so let me try Pharo.

All works fine in what I just downloaded from Pharo Website.

So, after you added the deferred UI message, the next line
(sendUDPData...) should pop up an Inspector with an Array. I found the
deferred UI message trick somewhere in the archives or maybe got
direct help from someone. You won't need it.

You need two images. In the receiver you build a loop in which you do
something like:

commSocket dataAvailable
  ifTrue: [receiveResult :=
   commSocket receiveUDPDataInto: receiveBuffer.
   "now display your time in a big TextMorph"]
  ifFalse: [myDelay wait]

Doing real time asynchronous things with the Squeak UI is a bit tricky
but following the lead of ClockMorph should get you going.

The common animation methods in Squeak isolate you from that problems
but changing a Morph's shape at the wrong moment is not good. Sorry I
can't be more specific but if you report problems I will remember
them, I did several animations of lots of Morphs.

AB> 2. Out of curiosity, I tried used the NetNameResolver
AB> addressForName: method as a way of getting a socket address 
AB> (instead of using the ByteArray.  I tried this when nothing was
AB> working, and I noticed the method call in several of the Socket
AB> methods.  However, Squeak gave me a DNU.  Is there a simple way to
AB> enter host names using the NetNameResolver, or have I completely
AB> misunderstood its function?

no, you haven't. I used the code in a network with fixed IP's and no
DHCP running. Right here using NetNameResolver works just fine. If you

(NetNameResolver addressForName: 'aComputersName') inspect

you should get an Inspector on a ByteArray with the IP address.



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Re: Building a remote countdown clock

Andy Burnett
In reply to this post by Andy Burnett
David Corking said <<


RFB (VNC) is quite popular in Squeak and may do what you want.

I haven't used Nebraksa, but as far as I can tell it solves the
distribution problem for you - if you want to build the UI in Morphic
or MVC.

According to this ticket Nebraska is broken in recent Etoys releases (I don't know about its state in
mainstream Squeak images, so you may prefer to go to an older Squeak,
or use Socket directly as Herbert suggested.)

Hope that helps, David


Thanks David, I have never heard of the Nebraska system. It looks very interesting. I will have a go with it.


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Re: Building a remote countdown clock

Andy Burnett
In reply to this post by Andy Burnett
Herbert said <<

no, you haven't. I used the code in a network with fixed IP's and no
DHCP running. Right here using NetNameResolver works just fine. If you

(NetNameResolver addressForName: 'aComputersName') inspect

you should get an Inspector on a ByteArray with the IP address.

Hmmm, I was expecting to get an inspector on a ByteArray, but what I actually got was an inspector on SocketAddress. Something is obviously not quite right here! :-)

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Re: Re: Building a remote countdown clock

Herbert König
Hi Andy,

AB> (NetNameResolver addressForName: 'aComputersName') inspect

AB> you should get an Inspector on a ByteArray with the IP address.

AB> Hmmm, I was expecting to get an inspector on a ByteArray, but
AB> what I actually got was an inspector on SocketAddress. Something
AB> is obviously not quite right here! :-)

again not on your side, I tried in Pharo and they introduced a class

You have to send that instance the message hostNumber to get the
IP-Address as .... oops ... a String. I surely didn't expect that!

What makes it worse, is that my code works though I hand an Array
as the IP address to Socket. So my best guess is you go to the Pharo
list and ask about the proper way to set up a UDP (or TCP) connection.

I could tell you how to pick the bytes out of SocketAddress but this
is Smalltalk after all. There must be a high level way.

Sorry for no better reply,


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