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Re: Cannot load Seaside anymore in a just-migrated GemStone [WAS] Re: [Glass] Zinc 2.4.3 on Gemstone

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Re: Cannot load Seaside anymore in a just-migrated GemStone [WAS] Re: [Glass] Zinc 2.4.3 on Gemstone

Mariano Martinez Peck
9001 posts

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi guys,

I have a weird scenario I cannot solve. I am trying to load my app code (together with all it's dependencies) in a just migrated stone (from GemStone to GemStone 3.2.9). I performed all the steps of the migration.  Yet, I have an error, pasted below. However, if I run the same code to load my app in a fresh 3.2.9 extent, that works perfectly. It only fails in my migrated (from stone.

The problem is in 

WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler put: self

It fails because the 

WAConfiguration >> attributeAt: aSymbol
^ self attributeAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [ WAAttributeNotFound signalWithKey: aSymbol ]

gives a key not found. 

I did a search  in the mailing list and found related threads: 

But none show a solution. 

And yes, it is obvious it will fail because:

WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults allAttributes ->  anIdentityDictionary( )

Also, as you can see, the result of WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults has no parent or anything:

Inspect aWASharedConfiguration/
.                     -> aWASharedConfiguration
(class)@              -> WASharedConfiguration
(oop)@                -> 1169561601
(committed)@          -> true
cachedSearchContexts@ -> anIdentityDictionary( #'exceptionHandler'->aWAAttributeSearchContext)
expressions@          -> aDictionary( )
name@                 -> 'Application Exception Handling Defaults'
parents@              -> anOrderedCollection( )

I even tried the re-initialization of Seaside as provided by Bruno the other day:

WAAdmin unregister: 'reps'.
WAAdmin unregister: 'advisors'.
WAAdmin unregister: 'clients'.

WAGemStoneProductionErrorHandler  initialize.
WAWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
WARemoteDebuggingWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.

   WADispatcher default.
   WASystemConfiguration allSubclasses
     do: [ :each | each instance buildDescription ] ]
     ensure: [ System commitTransaction ] .

Still, same error. 

Any clues? Is there  way I can re-initialize all Seaside? 

This is the stack:

1. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @6 line 25
2. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
3. WAAttributeNotFound class>>signalWithKey: @4 line 4
4. [] in ExecBlock0(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
5. IdentityDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: @5 line 8
6. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt:ifAbsent: @3 line 2
7. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
8. WASharedConfiguration(WAUserConfiguration)>>at:put: @2 line 7
9. WAWalkbackErrorHandler class>>initialize @3 line 2
10. MCMethodDefinition>>postload @11 line 6
11. MCMethodDefinition(MCDefinition)>>postloadOver: @2 line 2
12. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @3 line 48
13. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
14. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress: @2 line 3
15. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @15 line 48
16. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
17. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @2 line 49
18. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
19. MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @11 line 51
20. [] in MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @2 line 4
21. [] in ExecBlock0(MCPackageLoader)>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @2 line 9
22. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
23. MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @9 line 9
24. MCPackageLoader>>useNewChangeSetNamedLike:during: @3 line 2
25. MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @6 line 4
26. MCVersionLoader>>load @9 line 6
27. MetacelloGoferLoad(GoferLoad)>>execute @6 line 3
28. [] in MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer: @5 line 17
29. [] in MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer: @14 line 21
30. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line 3
31. MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer: @7 line 5
32. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer: @4 line 4
33. MetacelloPackageLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @2 line 3
34. [] in ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @2 line 3
35. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
36. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @3 line 3
37. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
38. [] in ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @2 line 3
39. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
40. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @3 line 3
41. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
42. [] in ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @2 line 3
43. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
44. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @3 line 3
45. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
46. [] in ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @2 line 3
47. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
48. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @3 line 3
49. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
50. [] in ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @2 line 3
51. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
52. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer: @3 line 3
53. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
54. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadWithPolicy: @7 line 7
55. MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>load @6 line 4
56. MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>doLoad @4 line 3
57. [] in ExecBlock0(MetacelloMCVersion)>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @2 line 12
58. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line 3
59. [] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @7 line 12
60. MetacelloMCVersion(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
61. MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @22 line 16
62. Array(Collection)>>loadRequiredForMetacelloMCVersion: @2 line 3
63. MetacelloMCVersion>>load: @2 line 3
64. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @10 line 16
65. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
66. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @6 line 6
67. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
68. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @4 line 14
69. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
70. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line 20
71. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
72. MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line 24
73. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @2 line 5
74. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
75. MetacelloProjectRegistration class>>copyRegistryRestoreOnErrorWhile: @8 line 14
76. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @2 line 3
77. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load: @2 line 3
78. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute: @11 line 15
79. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @5 line 6
80. Array(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
81. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @6 line 4
82. String>>execute:against: @2 line 2
83. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute: @6 line 9
84. Metacello>>execute:args: @8 line 5
85. Metacello>>load: @2 line 2
86. [] in Executed Code
87. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
88. Executed Code
89. String(CharacterCollection)>>evaluateIn:symbolList:literalVars: @4 line 13
90. TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>evaluateString: @5 line 3
91. TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>doItMenuAction:selectedText: @2 line 2
92. TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDWindowBuilder)>>handleMenuActions:listElement:actionArg: @12 line 10
93. [] in TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>menuActionBlock @6 line 8
94. TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>value:value:value:value:value: @2 line 11
95. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1

Thanks in advance for any help. 

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Gerhard Obermann <[hidden email]> wrote:

Not really, i only found the following in my notes.


  • Load Seaside 3.1.x but don’t initialize Seaside Classes

| performInitialization |

performInitialization := #().


GsDeployer deploy: [  Metacello new

   baseline: 'Seaside3';

   repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';

   load: 'CI'].

] on: MCPerformPostloadNotification do: [:ex |

          (performInitialization includes: ex postloadClass theNonMetaClass name)

            ifTrue: [

              "perform initialization"

              ex resume: true ]

            ifFalse: [

              GsFile gciLogServer: ' Skip ', ex postloadClass name asString, ' initialization.'.

               ex resume: false ] ]

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Gerhard,

I am getting the exact same issue. Do you remember what you did to fix it?


On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Gerhard Obermann <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Dale!

I think as soon as I can load the stuff in my upgraded 3.2. DB, i can test and contribute to zink and/or Glass / Seaside 3.1.
If it wont work until tomorrow i have to stay on for the next few months at least.

At the moment i am trying to load Seaside 3.1.1 with 
PS: To be able to load this i have loaded the Baseline packages BaselineOfGLASS1, BaselineOfSeaside3 , BaselineOfZinc manually from my forked GIT clone.

GsDeployer deploy: [ 
  Metacello new
    configuration: 'Grease';

  "Load Seaside31"
GsDeployer deploy: [ 
  Metacello new
    baseline: 'Seaside3';
    repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
    load: 'CI'].

Not sure if i need to load  Metacello new
    baseline: 'GLASS1';
    repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
after the upgrade.

What is the difference between 
  (ConfigurationOfGLASS project version: '1.0-beta.9.1') load
 Metacello new
    baseline: 'GLASS1';
    repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';

The load of the Seaside package failed with the init of 
WAWalkbackErrorHandler => initialize
WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler put: self

[1] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> _signalWith:
inCextensionArg: nil
res: nil
.t1: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
[2] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> signal
receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
[3] WAAttributeNotFound class >> signalWithKey:
aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
receiver: WAAttributeNotFound
[4] [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
receiver: nil
[5] IdentityDictionary >> at:ifAbsent:
aKey: #'exceptionHandler'
aBlock: anExecBlock0
anAssoc: nil
.t1: anExecBlock0
receiver: anIdentityDictionary( )
[6] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:ifAbsent:
aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
aBlock: anExecBlock0
receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
[7] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
[8] WASharedConfiguration (WAUserConfiguration) >> at:put:
aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
anObject: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
[9] WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
receiver: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
[10] MCMethodDefinition >> postload
receiver: aMCMethodDefinition(WAWalkbackErrorHandler class>>initialize)


Fetched -> Seaside-Adaptors-FastCGI-dkh.26 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository
Loaded -> Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86 --- http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
Loaded -> Grease-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.52 --- http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
Evaluated -> Grease-GemStone-Core >> initializeTransactionMutex1051
Loaded -> Seaside-Core.gemstone-JohanBrichau.815 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone300-Core-DaleHenrichs.4 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.66 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Basic-Development-JohanBrichau.29 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Grease-Tests-Core-JohanBrichau.95 --- http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
Loaded -> Grease-Tests-GemStone-Core-dkh.14 --- http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Component-pmm.101 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Canvas-pmm.127 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Email-pmm.25 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Email-JohanBrichau.14 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-InternetExplorer-pmm.7 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Session.gemstone-JohanBrichau.169 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Session-DaleHenrichs.3 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-RenderLoop-pmm.96 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Core.gemstone-dkh.23 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Flow-pmm.24 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Examples-pmm.24 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Widgets-StephanEggermont.35 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Production-JohanBrichau.15 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Web-pmm.119 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Web-DaleHenrichs.4 --- github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Marching Orders! Very good ...

Johan, Gerhard, et. al., I want to follow your lead and fill in where the work is needed ...

Do you guys think that getting Seaside/Zinc/etc. ported to GemStone3.2 takes precedence over getting Zinc running on GemStone3.1?

I can take a crack at solving Gerhard's Seaside3.1 loading error, but Zinc has been on the brink for so long, maybe I should hit it hard and get the tests passing in GemStone 3.1 (encoding issues are right up my alley:)?

If there are other outstanding problems that folks are looking at they can be added into the mix...


On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Johan Brichau <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

I have been tampering off and on over the last few months to make Zinc 2.4.3 work in Gemstone.

I made a pull request [1] with my changes, though not all tests are passing and since most of the changes had to do with encoding, byte arrays vs strings, multibyte strings, etc... I really need someone to take a look at them. Also, the pace is quite slow by myself ;-)

This email is just to make sure that the pull request does not go unnoticed for someone wanting to take up work on the port.


[1] https://github.com/glassdb/zinc/pull/48
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Re: Cannot load Seaside anymore in a just-migrated GemStone [WAS] Re: [Glass] Zinc 2.4.3 on Gemstone

Paul DeBruicker
1579 posts
Hi Mariano,

I just ran into this issue.  Did you end up finding a solution?



Mariano Martinez Peck wrote
On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have a weird scenario I cannot solve. I am trying to load my app code
> (together with all it's dependencies) in a just migrated stone (from
> GemStone to GemStone 3.2.9). I performed all the steps of the
> migration.  Yet, I have an error, pasted below. However, if I run the same
> code to load my app in a fresh 3.2.9 extent, that works perfectly. It only
> fails in my migrated (from stone.
> The problem is in
> WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
> WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler put:
> self
> It fails because the
> WAConfiguration >> attributeAt: aSymbol
> ^ self attributeAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [ WAAttributeNotFound signalWithKey:
> aSymbol ]
> gives a key not found.
> I did a search  in the mailing list and found related threads:
> http://forum.world.st/Glass-Zinc-2-4-3-on-Gemstone-td4759789.html#a4759875
> https://github.com/seasidest/seaside/issues/643
> But none show a solution.
> And yes, it is obvious it will fail because:
> WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults allAttributes ->
>  anIdentityDictionary( )
> Also, as you can see, the result of WAAdmin
> applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults has no parent or anything:
> Inspect aWASharedConfiguration/
> --------------------
> .                     -> aWASharedConfiguration
> (class)@              -> WASharedConfiguration
> (oop)@                -> 1169561601
> (committed)@          -> true
> cachedSearchContexts@ -> anIdentityDictionary(
> #'exceptionHandler'->aWAAttributeSearchContext)
> expressions@          -> aDictionary( )
> name@                 -> 'Application Exception Handling Defaults'
> parents@              -> anOrderedCollection( )
> I even tried the re-initialization of Seaside as provided by Bruno the
> other day:
> WAAdmin unregister: 'reps'.
> WAAdmin unregister: 'advisors'.
> WAAdmin unregister: 'clients'.
> WAGemStoneProductionErrorHandler  initialize.
> WAWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
> WARemoteDebuggingWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
> [
>    WADispatcher default.
>    WASystemConfiguration allSubclasses
>      do: [ :each | each instance buildDescription ] ]
>      ensure: [ System commitTransaction ] .
> Still, same error.
> Any clues? Is there  way I can re-initialize all Seaside?
> This is the stack:
> aTDDebugger
> --------------------
> 1. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @6 line 25
> 2. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
> 3. WAAttributeNotFound class>>signalWithKey: @4 line 4
> 4. [] in ExecBlock0(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
> 5. IdentityDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: @5 line 8
> 6. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt:ifAbsent: @3 line 2
> 7. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
> 8. WASharedConfiguration(WAUserConfiguration)>>at:put: @2 line 7
> 9. WAWalkbackErrorHandler class>>initialize @3 line 2
> 10. MCMethodDefinition>>postload @11 line 6
> 11. MCMethodDefinition(MCDefinition)>>postloadOver: @2 line 2
> 12. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @3 line 48
> 13. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 14. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress: @2 line 3
> 15. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @15 line 48
> 16. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 17. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @2 line 49
> 18. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 19. MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @11 line 51
> 20. [] in MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @2 line 4
> 21. [] in ExecBlock0(MCPackageLoader)>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @2 line 9
> 22. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 23. MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @9 line 9
> 24. MCPackageLoader>>useNewChangeSetNamedLike:during: @3 line 2
> 25. MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @6 line 4
> 26. MCVersionLoader>>load @9 line 6
> 27. MetacelloGoferLoad(GoferLoad)>>execute @6 line 3
> 28. [] in
> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> @5 line 17
> 29. [] in
> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> @14 line 21
> 30. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line 3
> 31.
> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> @7 line 5
> 32.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> @4 line 4
> 33. MetacelloPackageLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @2 line 3
> 34. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 35. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 36.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 37. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 38. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 39. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 40.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 41. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 42. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 43. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 44.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 45. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 46. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 47. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 48.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 49. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 50. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 51. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 52.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 53. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 54.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadWithPolicy:
> @7 line 7
> 55. MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>load @6 line 4
> 56. MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>doLoad @4 line 3
> 57. [] in ExecBlock0(MetacelloMCVersion)>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @2 line
> 12
> 58. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line 3
> 59. [] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @7 line 12
> 60. MetacelloMCVersion(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 61. MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @22 line 16
> 62. Array(Collection)>>loadRequiredForMetacelloMCVersion: @2 line 3
> 63. MetacelloMCVersion>>load: @2 line 3
> 64. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade:
> @10 line 16
> 65. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 66. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @6 line 6
> 67. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 68. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @4 line 14
> 69. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 70. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line 20
> 71. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 72. MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line 24
> 73. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade:
> @2 line 5
> 74. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 75. MetacelloProjectRegistration class>>copyRegistryRestoreOnErrorWhile:
> @8 line 14
> 76. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @2
> line 3
> 77. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load: @2 line 3
> 78. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute:
> @11 line 15
> 79. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @5 line 6
> 80. Array(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 81. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @6 line 4
> 82. String>>execute:against: @2 line 2
> 83. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute: @6 line 9
> 84. Metacello>>execute:args: @8 line 5
> 85. Metacello>>load: @2 line 2
> 86. [] in Executed Code
> 87. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 88. Executed Code
> 89. String(CharacterCollection)>>evaluateIn:symbolList:literalVars: @4
> line 13
> 90.
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>evaluateString:
> @5 line 3
> 91.
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>doItMenuAction:selectedText:
> @2 line 2
> 92.
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDWindowBuilder)>>handleMenuActions:listElement:actionArg:
> @12 line 10
> 93. [] in
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>menuActionBlock
> @6 line 8
> 94.
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>value:value:value:value:value:
> @2 line 11
> 95. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Gerhard Obermann <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Not really, i only found the following in my notes.
>> HTH
>> Gerhard
>>    -
>>    Load Seaside 3.1.x but don’t initialize Seaside Classes
>> | performInitialization |
>> performInitialization := #().
>> [
>> GsDeployer deploy: [  Metacello new
>>    baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>    repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
>>    load: 'CI'].
>> ] on: MCPerformPostloadNotification do: [:ex |
>>           (performInitialization includes: ex postloadClass
>> theNonMetaClass name)
>>             ifTrue: [
>>               "perform initialization"
>>               ex resume: true ]
>>             ifFalse: [
>>               GsFile gciLogServer: ' Skip ', ex postloadClass name
>> asString, ' initialization.'.
>>                ex resume: false ] ]
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
>> [hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi Gerhard,
>>> I am getting the exact same issue. Do you remember what you did to fix
>>> it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Gerhard Obermann <[hidden email]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dale!
>>>> I think as soon as I can load the stuff in my upgraded 3.2. DB, i can
>>>> test and contribute to zink and/or Glass / Seaside 3.1.
>>>> If it wont work until tomorrow i have to stay on for the next
>>>> few months at least.
>>>> At the moment i am trying to load Seaside 3.1.1 with
>>>> PS: To be able to load this i have loaded the Baseline packages BaselineOfGLASS1,
>>>> BaselineOfSeaside3 , BaselineOfZinc manually from my forked GIT clone.
>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>>>   Metacello new
>>>>     configuration: 'Grease';
>>>>     repository: '
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main';
>>>>     get.
>>>>   "Load Seaside31"
>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>>>   Metacello new
>>>>     baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
>>>>     load: 'CI'].
>>>> Not sure if i need to load  Metacello new
>>>>     baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>>>     load.
>>>> after the upgrade.
>>>> What is the difference between
>>>>   (ConfigurationOfGLASS project version: '1.0-beta.9.1') load
>>>> and
>>>>  Metacello new
>>>>     baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>>>     load.
>>>> *The load of the Seaside package failed with the init of *
>>>> *WAWalkbackErrorHandler => initialize*
>>>> * WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler
>>>> put: self*
>>>> [1] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> _signalWith:
>>>> inCextensionArg: nil
>>>> res: nil
>>>> .t1: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>> receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>> [2] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> signal
>>>> receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>> [3] WAAttributeNotFound class >> signalWithKey:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> receiver: WAAttributeNotFound
>>>> [4] [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> receiver: nil
>>>> [5] IdentityDictionary >> at:ifAbsent:
>>>> aKey: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> aBlock: anExecBlock0
>>>> anAssoc: nil
>>>> .t1: anExecBlock0
>>>> receiver: anIdentityDictionary( )
>>>> [6] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:ifAbsent:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> aBlock: anExecBlock0
>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>> [7] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>> [8] WASharedConfiguration (WAUserConfiguration) >> at:put:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> anObject: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>> [9] WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
>>>> receiver: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>> [10] MCMethodDefinition >> postload
>>>> receiver: aMCMethodDefinition(WAWalkbackErrorHandler class>>initialize)
>>>> Transcript:
>>>> Fetched -> FastCGIPool-dkh.2 --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>> --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgiredirecting to
>>>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/fastcgi/FastCGI-dkh.33.mcz
>>>> Fetched -> FastCGI-dkh.33 --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>> --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>> Fetched -> Seaside-Adaptors-FastCGI-dkh.26 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository
>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Grease-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.52 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>> Evaluated -> Grease-GemStone-Core >> initializeTransactionMutex1051
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Core.gemstone-JohanBrichau.815 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone300-Core-DaleHenrichs.4 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.66 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Basic-Development-JohanBrichau.29 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Tests-Core-JohanBrichau.95 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Tests-GemStone-Core-dkh.14 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Component-pmm.101 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Canvas-pmm.127 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Email-pmm.25 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Email-JohanBrichau.14 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-InternetExplorer-pmm.7 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Session.gemstone-JohanBrichau.169 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Session-DaleHenrichs.3 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-RenderLoop-pmm.96 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Core.gemstone-dkh.23 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Flow-pmm.24 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Examples-pmm.24 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Widgets-StephanEggermont.35 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Production-JohanBrichau.15 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Web-pmm.119 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Web-DaleHenrichs.4 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Dale Henrichs <
>>>> [hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> Marching Orders! Very good ...
>>>>> Johan, Gerhard, et. al., I want to follow your lead and fill in where
>>>>> the work is needed ...
>>>>> Do you guys think that getting Seaside/Zinc/etc. ported to GemStone3.2
>>>>> takes precedence over getting Zinc running on GemStone3.1?
>>>>> I can take a crack at solving Gerhard's Seaside3.1 loading error, but
>>>>> Zinc has been on the brink for so long, maybe I should hit it hard and get
>>>>> the tests passing in GemStone 3.1 (encoding issues are right up my alley:)?
>>>>> If there are other outstanding problems that folks are looking at they
>>>>> can be added into the mix...
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Johan Brichau <[hidden email]>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have been tampering off and on over the last few months to make
>>>>>> Zinc 2.4.3 work in Gemstone.
>>>>>> I made a pull request [1] with my changes, though not all tests are
>>>>>> passing and since most of the changes had to do with encoding, byte arrays
>>>>>> vs strings, multibyte strings, etc... I really need someone to take a look
>>>>>> at them. Also, the pace is quite slow by myself ;-)
>>>>>> This email is just to make sure that the pull request does not go
>>>>>> unnoticed for someone wanting to take up work on the port.
>>>>>> cheers!
>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/glassdb/zinc/pull/48
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Glass mailing list
>>>>>> [hidden email]
>>>>>> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
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>>>>> Glass mailing list
>>>>> [hidden email]
>>>>> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Glass mailing list
>>>> [hidden email]
>>>> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
>>> --
>>> Mariano
>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com


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Re: Cannot load Seaside anymore in a just-migrated GemStone [WAS] Re: [Glass] Zinc 2.4.3 on Gemstone

Paul DeBruicker
1579 posts

Oh wait.  

WAEnvironment initialize.

Seemed to have fixed it.  Following the senders of a message helps more than writing emails some times....



Paul DeBruicker wrote
Hi Mariano,

I just ran into this issue.  Did you end up finding a solution?



Mariano Martinez Peck wrote
On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have a weird scenario I cannot solve. I am trying to load my app code
> (together with all it's dependencies) in a just migrated stone (from
> GemStone to GemStone 3.2.9). I performed all the steps of the
> migration.  Yet, I have an error, pasted below. However, if I run the same
> code to load my app in a fresh 3.2.9 extent, that works perfectly. It only
> fails in my migrated (from stone.
> The problem is in
> WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
> WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler put:
> self
> It fails because the
> WAConfiguration >> attributeAt: aSymbol
> ^ self attributeAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [ WAAttributeNotFound signalWithKey:
> aSymbol ]
> gives a key not found.
> I did a search  in the mailing list and found related threads:
> http://forum.world.st/Glass-Zinc-2-4-3-on-Gemstone-td4759789.html#a4759875
> https://github.com/seasidest/seaside/issues/643
> But none show a solution.
> And yes, it is obvious it will fail because:
> WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults allAttributes ->
>  anIdentityDictionary( )
> Also, as you can see, the result of WAAdmin
> applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults has no parent or anything:
> Inspect aWASharedConfiguration/
> --------------------
> .                     -> aWASharedConfiguration
> (class)@              -> WASharedConfiguration
> (oop)@                -> 1169561601
> (committed)@          -> true
> cachedSearchContexts@ -> anIdentityDictionary(
> #'exceptionHandler'->aWAAttributeSearchContext)
> expressions@          -> aDictionary( )
> name@                 -> 'Application Exception Handling Defaults'
> parents@              -> anOrderedCollection( )
> I even tried the re-initialization of Seaside as provided by Bruno the
> other day:
> WAAdmin unregister: 'reps'.
> WAAdmin unregister: 'advisors'.
> WAAdmin unregister: 'clients'.
> WAGemStoneProductionErrorHandler  initialize.
> WAWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
> WARemoteDebuggingWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
> [
>    WADispatcher default.
>    WASystemConfiguration allSubclasses
>      do: [ :each | each instance buildDescription ] ]
>      ensure: [ System commitTransaction ] .
> Still, same error.
> Any clues? Is there  way I can re-initialize all Seaside?
> This is the stack:
> aTDDebugger
> --------------------
> 1. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @6 line 25
> 2. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
> 3. WAAttributeNotFound class>>signalWithKey: @4 line 4
> 4. [] in ExecBlock0(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
> 5. IdentityDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: @5 line 8
> 6. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt:ifAbsent: @3 line 2
> 7. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
> 8. WASharedConfiguration(WAUserConfiguration)>>at:put: @2 line 7
> 9. WAWalkbackErrorHandler class>>initialize @3 line 2
> 10. MCMethodDefinition>>postload @11 line 6
> 11. MCMethodDefinition(MCDefinition)>>postloadOver: @2 line 2
> 12. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @3 line 48
> 13. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 14. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress: @2 line 3
> 15. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @15 line 48
> 16. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 17. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @2 line 49
> 18. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 19. MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @11 line 51
> 20. [] in MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @2 line 4
> 21. [] in ExecBlock0(MCPackageLoader)>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @2 line 9
> 22. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 23. MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @9 line 9
> 24. MCPackageLoader>>useNewChangeSetNamedLike:during: @3 line 2
> 25. MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @6 line 4
> 26. MCVersionLoader>>load @9 line 6
> 27. MetacelloGoferLoad(GoferLoad)>>execute @6 line 3
> 28. [] in
> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> @5 line 17
> 29. [] in
> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> @14 line 21
> 30. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line 3
> 31.
> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> @7 line 5
> 32.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
> @4 line 4
> 33. MetacelloPackageLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @2 line 3
> 34. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 35. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 36.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 37. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 38. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 39. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 40.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 41. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 42. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 43. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 44.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 45. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 46. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 47. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 48.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 49. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 50. [] in
> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @2 line 3
> 51. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 52.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
> @3 line 3
> 53. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
> 54.
> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadWithPolicy:
> @7 line 7
> 55. MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>load @6 line 4
> 56. MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>doLoad @4 line 3
> 57. [] in ExecBlock0(MetacelloMCVersion)>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @2 line
> 12
> 58. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line 3
> 59. [] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @7 line 12
> 60. MetacelloMCVersion(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 61. MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @22 line 16
> 62. Array(Collection)>>loadRequiredForMetacelloMCVersion: @2 line 3
> 63. MetacelloMCVersion>>load: @2 line 3
> 64. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade:
> @10 line 16
> 65. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 66. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @6 line 6
> 67. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 68. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @4 line 14
> 69. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 70. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line 20
> 71. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
> 72. MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line 24
> 73. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade:
> @2 line 5
> 74. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 75. MetacelloProjectRegistration class>>copyRegistryRestoreOnErrorWhile:
> @8 line 14
> 76. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @2
> line 3
> 77. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load: @2 line 3
> 78. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute:
> @11 line 15
> 79. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @5 line 6
> 80. Array(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 81. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @6 line 4
> 82. String>>execute:against: @2 line 2
> 83. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute: @6 line 9
> 84. Metacello>>execute:args: @8 line 5
> 85. Metacello>>load: @2 line 2
> 86. [] in Executed Code
> 87. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
> 88. Executed Code
> 89. String(CharacterCollection)>>evaluateIn:symbolList:literalVars: @4
> line 13
> 90.
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>evaluateString:
> @5 line 3
> 91.
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>doItMenuAction:selectedText:
> @2 line 2
> 92.
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDWindowBuilder)>>handleMenuActions:listElement:actionArg:
> @12 line 10
> 93. [] in
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>menuActionBlock
> @6 line 8
> 94.
> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>value:value:value:value:value:
> @2 line 11
> 95. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Gerhard Obermann <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Not really, i only found the following in my notes.
>> HTH
>> Gerhard
>>    -
>>    Load Seaside 3.1.x but don’t initialize Seaside Classes
>> | performInitialization |
>> performInitialization := #().
>> [
>> GsDeployer deploy: [  Metacello new
>>    baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>    repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
>>    load: 'CI'].
>> ] on: MCPerformPostloadNotification do: [:ex |
>>           (performInitialization includes: ex postloadClass
>> theNonMetaClass name)
>>             ifTrue: [
>>               "perform initialization"
>>               ex resume: true ]
>>             ifFalse: [
>>               GsFile gciLogServer: ' Skip ', ex postloadClass name
>> asString, ' initialization.'.
>>                ex resume: false ] ]
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
>> [hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi Gerhard,
>>> I am getting the exact same issue. Do you remember what you did to fix
>>> it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Gerhard Obermann <[hidden email]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dale!
>>>> I think as soon as I can load the stuff in my upgraded 3.2. DB, i can
>>>> test and contribute to zink and/or Glass / Seaside 3.1.
>>>> If it wont work until tomorrow i have to stay on for the next
>>>> few months at least.
>>>> At the moment i am trying to load Seaside 3.1.1 with
>>>> PS: To be able to load this i have loaded the Baseline packages BaselineOfGLASS1,
>>>> BaselineOfSeaside3 , BaselineOfZinc manually from my forked GIT clone.
>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>>>   Metacello new
>>>>     configuration: 'Grease';
>>>>     repository: '
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main';
>>>>     get.
>>>>   "Load Seaside31"
>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>>>   Metacello new
>>>>     baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
>>>>     load: 'CI'].
>>>> Not sure if i need to load  Metacello new
>>>>     baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>>>     load.
>>>> after the upgrade.
>>>> What is the difference between
>>>>   (ConfigurationOfGLASS project version: '1.0-beta.9.1') load
>>>> and
>>>>  Metacello new
>>>>     baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>>>     load.
>>>> *The load of the Seaside package failed with the init of *
>>>> *WAWalkbackErrorHandler => initialize*
>>>> * WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler
>>>> put: self*
>>>> [1] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> _signalWith:
>>>> inCextensionArg: nil
>>>> res: nil
>>>> .t1: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>> receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>> [2] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> signal
>>>> receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>> [3] WAAttributeNotFound class >> signalWithKey:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> receiver: WAAttributeNotFound
>>>> [4] [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> receiver: nil
>>>> [5] IdentityDictionary >> at:ifAbsent:
>>>> aKey: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> aBlock: anExecBlock0
>>>> anAssoc: nil
>>>> .t1: anExecBlock0
>>>> receiver: anIdentityDictionary( )
>>>> [6] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:ifAbsent:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> aBlock: anExecBlock0
>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>> [7] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>> [8] WASharedConfiguration (WAUserConfiguration) >> at:put:
>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>> anObject: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>> [9] WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
>>>> receiver: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>> [10] MCMethodDefinition >> postload
>>>> receiver: aMCMethodDefinition(WAWalkbackErrorHandler class>>initialize)
>>>> Transcript:
>>>> Fetched -> FastCGIPool-dkh.2 --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>> --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgiredirecting to
>>>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/fastcgi/FastCGI-dkh.33.mcz
>>>> Fetched -> FastCGI-dkh.33 --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>> --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>> Fetched -> Seaside-Adaptors-FastCGI-dkh.26 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository
>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Grease-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.52 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>> Evaluated -> Grease-GemStone-Core >> initializeTransactionMutex1051
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Core.gemstone-JohanBrichau.815 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone300-Core-DaleHenrichs.4 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.66 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Basic-Development-JohanBrichau.29 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Tests-Core-JohanBrichau.95 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Tests-GemStone-Core-dkh.14 ---
>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Component-pmm.101 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Canvas-pmm.127 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Email-pmm.25 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Email-JohanBrichau.14 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-InternetExplorer-pmm.7 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Session.gemstone-JohanBrichau.169 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Session-DaleHenrichs.3 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-RenderLoop-pmm.96 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Core.gemstone-dkh.23 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Flow-pmm.24 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Examples-pmm.24 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Widgets-StephanEggermont.35 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Production-JohanBrichau.15 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Web-pmm.119 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Web-DaleHenrichs.4 ---
>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Dale Henrichs <
>>>> [hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> Marching Orders! Very good ...
>>>>> Johan, Gerhard, et. al., I want to follow your lead and fill in where
>>>>> the work is needed ...
>>>>> Do you guys think that getting Seaside/Zinc/etc. ported to GemStone3.2
>>>>> takes precedence over getting Zinc running on GemStone3.1?
>>>>> I can take a crack at solving Gerhard's Seaside3.1 loading error, but
>>>>> Zinc has been on the brink for so long, maybe I should hit it hard and get
>>>>> the tests passing in GemStone 3.1 (encoding issues are right up my alley:)?
>>>>> If there are other outstanding problems that folks are looking at they
>>>>> can be added into the mix...
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Johan Brichau <[hidden email]>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have been tampering off and on over the last few months to make
>>>>>> Zinc 2.4.3 work in Gemstone.
>>>>>> I made a pull request [1] with my changes, though not all tests are
>>>>>> passing and since most of the changes had to do with encoding, byte arrays
>>>>>> vs strings, multibyte strings, etc... I really need someone to take a look
>>>>>> at them. Also, the pace is quite slow by myself ;-)
>>>>>> This email is just to make sure that the pull request does not go
>>>>>> unnoticed for someone wanting to take up work on the port.
>>>>>> cheers!
>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/glassdb/zinc/pull/48
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>>> --
>>> Mariano
>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com


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Re: Cannot load Seaside anymore in a just-migrated GemStone [WAS] Re: [Glass] Zinc 2.4.3 on Gemstone

Mariano Martinez Peck
9001 posts
Hi Paul, 

I will answer just in case others may find the same issue in the future. 

As you know, at the time of loading a class side #initialize, Monticello checks if it has already been run or not and only run if it is has not. Re-initializing seaside (re-sending class side initialize) is the problem as it brings problems like the one you mention.

The problem is that during the GemStone upgrade, the Monticello caches are cleared. But Seaside code is still there. So...when you try to load Seaside again in a upgraded stone, the Monticello cache is empty and hence all class #initialize are executed again in a env where they HAD already been initialized before (hence the problem). 

The solution I found is to re-load all my app (and seaside) in a way of NOT executing class side #initialize. This must be done only once as this will fill monticello cache and next times it will not try to run #initialize (unless the method source has changed):

    deploy: [ 
      Metacello new
        configuration: 'MyApp';
        version: '1.6';
        onConflictUseIncoming: #('Seaside3') useLoaded: #('Grease');
        onUpgrade: [ :ex :loaded :incoming | 
              incoming baseName = 'XMLSupport'
                ifTrue: [ 
                  "I could use #useLoaded but the one currently coming with GemStone has a broken versionString."
                  ex allowEvenIfLocked ]
                ifFalse: [ 
                  ex useIncoming ] ];
        load: #('MyPackages') ]
        on: MCPerformPostloadNotification
        do: [ :ex | 
          (ex postloadClass name beginsWith: 'WA')
            ifTrue: [ 
                  ' Skipping class side initialization of ' , ex postloadClass name asString.
              ex resume: false ]
            ifFalse: [ ex resume: true ] ] ]
        on: Warning
        do: [ :ex | 
            show: '====================================================';
            show: ex description;
            show: '====================================================';
          ex resume ] ]
        ensure: [ 
              'rm -rf /tmp/curl*; rm -rf /tmp/github*; rm -rf /tmp/*tmpgithub*; rm -rf /tmp/zip.err' ] ].
  System commitTransaction

The important part is the error block for MCPerformPostloadNotification (which is sent when it is about to run class side #initialize).

Once above code has been run (once), then you can load again your code in the normal way.

Dale, we should add this seaside re-load to the upgradeSeaside script...


On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 1:41 AM, Paul DeBruicker <[hidden email]> wrote:

Oh wait.

WAEnvironment initialize.

Seemed to have fixed it.  Following the senders of a message helps more than
writing emails some times....



Paul DeBruicker wrote
> Hi Mariano,
> I just ran into this issue.  Did you end up finding a solution?
> Thanks
> Paul
> Mariano Martinez Peck wrote
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <

>> marianopeck@

>>> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I have a weird scenario I cannot solve. I am trying to load my app code
>>> (together with all it's dependencies) in a just migrated stone (from
>>> GemStone to GemStone 3.2.9). I performed all the steps of the
>>> migration.  Yet, I have an error, pasted below. However, if I run the
>>> same
>>> code to load my app in a fresh 3.2.9 extent, that works perfectly. It
>>> only
>>> fails in my migrated (from stone.
>>> The problem is in
>>> WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
>>> WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler put:
>>> self
>>> It fails because the
>>> WAConfiguration >> attributeAt: aSymbol
>>> ^ self attributeAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [ WAAttributeNotFound
>>> signalWithKey:
>>> aSymbol ]
>>> gives a key not found.
>>> I did a search  in the mailing list and found related threads:
>>> http://forum.world.st/Glass-Zinc-2-4-3-on-Gemstone-td4759789.html#a4759875
>>> https://github.com/seasidest/seaside/issues/643
>>> But none show a solution.
>>> And yes, it is obvious it will fail because:
>>> WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults allAttributes ->
>>>  anIdentityDictionary( )
>>> Also, as you can see, the result of WAAdmin
>>> applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults has no parent or anything:
>>> Inspect aWASharedConfiguration/
>>> --------------------
>>> .                     -> aWASharedConfiguration
>>> (class)@              -> WASharedConfiguration
>>> (oop)@                -> 1169561601
>>> (committed)@          -> true
>>> cachedSearchContexts@ -> anIdentityDictionary(
>>> #'exceptionHandler'->aWAAttributeSearchContext)
>>> expressions@          -> aDictionary( )
>>> name@                 -> 'Application Exception Handling Defaults'
>>> parents@              -> anOrderedCollection( )
>>> I even tried the re-initialization of Seaside as provided by Bruno the
>>> other day:
>>> WAAdmin unregister: 'reps'.
>>> WAAdmin unregister: 'advisors'.
>>> WAAdmin unregister: 'clients'.
>>> WAGemStoneProductionErrorHandler  initialize.
>>> WAWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
>>> WARemoteDebuggingWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
>>> [
>>>    WADispatcher default.
>>>    WASystemConfiguration allSubclasses
>>>      do: [ :each | each instance buildDescription ] ]
>>>      ensure: [ System commitTransaction ] .
>>> Still, same error.
>>> Any clues? Is there  way I can re-initialize all Seaside?
>>> This is the stack:
>>> aTDDebugger
>>> --------------------
>>> 1. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @6 line 25
>>> 2. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
>>> 3. WAAttributeNotFound class>>signalWithKey: @4 line 4
>>> 4. [] in ExecBlock0(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
>>> 5. IdentityDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: @5 line 8
>>> 6. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt:ifAbsent: @3 line
>>> 2
>>> 7. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
>>> 8. WASharedConfiguration(WAUserConfiguration)>>at:put: @2 line 7
>>> 9. WAWalkbackErrorHandler class>>initialize @3 line 2
>>> 10. MCMethodDefinition>>postload @11 line 6
>>> 11. MCMethodDefinition(MCDefinition)>>postloadOver: @2 line 2
>>> 12. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @3 line 48
>>> 13. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 14. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress: @2 line 3
>>> 15. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @15 line 48
>>> 16. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 17. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @2 line 49
>>> 18. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 19. MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @11 line 51
>>> 20. [] in MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @2 line 4
>>> 21. [] in ExecBlock0(MCPackageLoader)>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @2 line
>>> 9
>>> 22. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 23. MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @9 line 9
>>> 24. MCPackageLoader>>useNewChangeSetNamedLike:during: @3 line 2
>>> 25. MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @6 line 4
>>> 26. MCVersionLoader>>load @9 line 6
>>> 27. MetacelloGoferLoad(GoferLoad)>>execute @6 line 3
>>> 28. [] in
>>> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
>>> @5 line 17
>>> 29. [] in
>>> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
>>> @14 line 21
>>> 30. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line
>>> 3
>>> 31.
>>> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
>>> @7 line 5
>>> 32.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
>>> @4 line 4
>>> 33. MetacelloPackageLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @2 line 3
>>> 34. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 35. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 36.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 37. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 38. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 39. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 40.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 41. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 42. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 43. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 44.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 45. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 46. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 47. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 48.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 49. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 50. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 51. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 52.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 53. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 54.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadWithPolicy:
>>> @7 line 7
>>> 55. MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>load @6 line 4
>>> 56. MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>doLoad @4 line 3
>>> 57. [] in ExecBlock0(MetacelloMCVersion)>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @2
>>> line
>>> 12
>>> 58. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line
>>> 3
>>> 59. [] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @7 line 12
>>> 60. MetacelloMCVersion(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 61. MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @22 line 16
>>> 62. Array(Collection)>>loadRequiredForMetacelloMCVersion: @2 line 3
>>> 63. MetacelloMCVersion>>load: @2 line 3
>>> 64. [] in
>>> MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade:
>>> @10 line 16
>>> 65. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 66. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @6 line 6
>>> 67. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 68. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @4 line
>>> 14
>>> 69. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 70. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line
>>> 20
>>> 71. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 72. MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line 24
>>> 73. [] in
>>> MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade:
>>> @2 line 5
>>> 74. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 75. MetacelloProjectRegistration class>>copyRegistryRestoreOnErrorWhile:
>>> @8 line 14
>>> 76. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @2
>>> line 3
>>> 77. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load: @2 line 3
>>> 78. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute:
>>> @11 line 15
>>> 79. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @5 line 6
>>> 80. Array(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 81. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @6 line 4
>>> 82. String>>execute:against: @2 line 2
>>> 83. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute: @6
>>> line 9
>>> 84. Metacello>>execute:args: @8 line 5
>>> 85. Metacello>>load: @2 line 2
>>> 86. [] in Executed Code
>>> 87. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 88. Executed Code
>>> 89. String(CharacterCollection)>>evaluateIn:symbolList:literalVars: @4
>>> line 13
>>> 90.
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>evaluateString:
>>> @5 line 3
>>> 91.
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>doItMenuAction:selectedText:
>>> @2 line 2
>>> 92.
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDWindowBuilder)>>handleMenuActions:listElement:actionArg:
>>> @12 line 10
>>> 93. [] in
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>menuActionBlock
>>> @6 line 8
>>> 94.
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>value:value:value:value:value:
>>> @2 line 11
>>> 95. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1
>>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Gerhard Obermann &lt;

>> obi068@

>> &gt;
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Not really, i only found the following in my notes.
>>>> HTH
>>>> Gerhard
>>>>    -
>>>>    Load Seaside 3.1.x but don’t initialize Seaside Classes
>>>> | performInitialization |
>>>> performInitialization := #().
>>>> [
>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [  Metacello new
>>>>    baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>>>    repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
>>>>    load: 'CI'].
>>>> ] on: MCPerformPostloadNotification do: [:ex |
>>>>           (performInitialization includes: ex postloadClass
>>>> theNonMetaClass name)
>>>>             ifTrue: [
>>>>               "perform initialization"
>>>>               ex resume: true ]
>>>>             ifFalse: [
>>>>               GsFile gciLogServer: ' Skip ', ex postloadClass name
>>>> asString, ' initialization.'.
>>>>                ex resume: false ] ]
>>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <

>> marianopeck@

>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Gerhard,
>>>>> I am getting the exact same issue. Do you remember what you did to fix
>>>>> it?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Gerhard Obermann &lt;

>> obi068@

>> &gt;
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dale!
>>>>>> I think as soon as I can load the stuff in my upgraded 3.2. DB, i can
>>>>>> test and contribute to zink and/or Glass / Seaside 3.1.
>>>>>> If it wont work until tomorrow i have to stay on for the next
>>>>>> few months at least.
>>>>>> At the moment i am trying to load Seaside 3.1.1 with
>>>>>> PS: To be able to load this i have loaded the Baseline packages
>>>>>> BaselineOfGLASS1,
>>>>>> BaselineOfSeaside3 , BaselineOfZinc manually from my forked GIT
>>>>>> clone.
>>>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>>>>>   Metacello new
>>>>>>     configuration: 'Grease';
>>>>>>     repository: '
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main';
>>>>>>     get.
>>>>>>   "Load Seaside31"
>>>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>>>>>   Metacello new
>>>>>>     baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
>>>>>>     load: 'CI'].
>>>>>> Not sure if i need to load  Metacello new
>>>>>>     baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>>>>>     load.
>>>>>> after the upgrade.
>>>>>> What is the difference between
>>>>>>   (ConfigurationOfGLASS project version: '1.0-beta.9.1') load
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>  Metacello new
>>>>>>     baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>>>>>     load.
>>>>>> *The load of the Seaside package failed with the init of *
>>>>>> *WAWalkbackErrorHandler => initialize*
>>>>>> * WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler
>>>>>> put: self*
>>>>>> [1] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> _signalWith:
>>>>>> inCextensionArg: nil
>>>>>> res: nil
>>>>>> .t1: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>>>> receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>>>> [2] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> signal
>>>>>> receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>>>> [3] WAAttributeNotFound class >> signalWithKey:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> receiver: WAAttributeNotFound
>>>>>> [4] [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> receiver: nil
>>>>>> [5] IdentityDictionary >> at:ifAbsent:
>>>>>> aKey: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> aBlock: anExecBlock0
>>>>>> anAssoc: nil
>>>>>> .t1: anExecBlock0
>>>>>> receiver: anIdentityDictionary( )
>>>>>> [6] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:ifAbsent:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> aBlock: anExecBlock0
>>>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>>>> [7] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>>>> [8] WASharedConfiguration (WAUserConfiguration) >> at:put:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> anObject: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>>>> [9] WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
>>>>>> receiver: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>>>> [10] MCMethodDefinition >> postload
>>>>>> receiver: aMCMethodDefinition(WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>>>> class>>initialize)
>>>>>> Transcript:
>>>>>> Fetched -> FastCGIPool-dkh.2 ---
>>>>>> http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>>>> --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgiredirecting to
>>>>>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/fastcgi/FastCGI-dkh.33.mcz
>>>>>> Fetched -> FastCGI-dkh.33 --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>>>> --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>>>> Fetched -> Seaside-Adaptors-FastCGI-dkh.26 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository
>>>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86 ---
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Grease-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.52 ---
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>>>> Evaluated -> Grease-GemStone-Core >> initializeTransactionMutex1051
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Core.gemstone-JohanBrichau.815 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone300-Core-DaleHenrichs.4 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.66 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Basic-Development-JohanBrichau.29 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Tests-Core-JohanBrichau.95 ---
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Tests-GemStone-Core-dkh.14 ---
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Component-pmm.101 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Canvas-pmm.127 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Email-pmm.25 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Email-JohanBrichau.14 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-InternetExplorer-pmm.7 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Session.gemstone-JohanBrichau.169 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Session-DaleHenrichs.3 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-RenderLoop-pmm.96 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Core.gemstone-dkh.23 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Flow-pmm.24 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Examples-pmm.24 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Widgets-StephanEggermont.35 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Production-JohanBrichau.15 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Web-pmm.119 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Web-DaleHenrichs.4 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Dale Henrichs <

>> dale.henrichs@

>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Marching Orders! Very good ...
>>>>>>> Johan, Gerhard, et. al., I want to follow your lead and fill in
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> the work is needed ...
>>>>>>> Do you guys think that getting Seaside/Zinc/etc. ported to
>>>>>>> GemStone3.2
>>>>>>> takes precedence over getting Zinc running on GemStone3.1?
>>>>>>> I can take a crack at solving Gerhard's Seaside3.1 loading error,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> Zinc has been on the brink for so long, maybe I should hit it hard
>>>>>>> and get
>>>>>>> the tests passing in GemStone 3.1 (encoding issues are right up my
>>>>>>> alley:)?
>>>>>>> If there are other outstanding problems that folks are looking at
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> can be added into the mix...
>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Johan Brichau &lt;

>> johan@

>> &gt;
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> I have been tampering off and on over the last few months to make
>>>>>>>> Zinc 2.4.3 work in Gemstone.
>>>>>>>> I made a pull request [1] with my changes, though not all tests are
>>>>>>>> passing and since most of the changes had to do with encoding, byte
>>>>>>>> arrays
>>>>>>>> vs strings, multibyte strings, etc... I really need someone to take
>>>>>>>> a look
>>>>>>>> at them. Also, the pace is quite slow by myself ;-)
>>>>>>>> This email is just to make sure that the pull request does not go
>>>>>>>> unnoticed for someone wanting to take up work on the port.
>>>>>>>> cheers!
>>>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/glassdb/zinc/pull/48
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>>>>> --
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>>> --
>>> Mariano
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Re: Cannot load Seaside anymore in a just-migrated GemStone [WAS] Re: [Glass] Zinc 2.4.3 on Gemstone

Dale Henrichs-3
2163 posts
Good point - issue created[1]

[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/issues/88

On 3/24/16 5:32 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi Paul, 

I will answer just in case others may find the same issue in the future. 

As you know, at the time of loading a class side #initialize, Monticello checks if it has already been run or not and only run if it is has not. Re-initializing seaside (re-sending class side initialize) is the problem as it brings problems like the one you mention.

The problem is that during the GemStone upgrade, the Monticello caches are cleared. But Seaside code is still there. So...when you try to load Seaside again in a upgraded stone, the Monticello cache is empty and hence all class #initialize are executed again in a env where they HAD already been initialized before (hence the problem). 

The solution I found is to re-load all my app (and seaside) in a way of NOT executing class side #initialize. This must be done only once as this will fill monticello cache and next times it will not try to run #initialize (unless the method source has changed):

    deploy: [ 
      Metacello new
        configuration: 'MyApp';
        version: '1.6';
        onConflictUseIncoming: #('Seaside3') useLoaded: #('Grease');
        onUpgrade: [ :ex :loaded :incoming | 
              incoming baseName = 'XMLSupport'
                ifTrue: [ 
                  "I could use #useLoaded but the one currently coming with GemStone has a broken versionString."
                  ex allowEvenIfLocked ]
                ifFalse: [ 
                  ex useIncoming ] ];
        load: #('MyPackages') ]
        on: MCPerformPostloadNotification
        do: [ :ex | 
          (ex postloadClass name beginsWith: 'WA')
            ifTrue: [ 
                  ' Skipping class side initialization of ' , ex postloadClass name asString.
              ex resume: false ]
            ifFalse: [ ex resume: true ] ] ]
        on: Warning
        do: [ :ex | 
            show: '====================================================';
            show: ex description;
            show: '====================================================';
          ex resume ] ]
        ensure: [ 
              'rm -rf /tmp/curl*; rm -rf /tmp/github*; rm -rf /tmp/*tmpgithub*; rm -rf /tmp/zip.err' ] ].
  System commitTransaction

The important part is the error block for MCPerformPostloadNotification (which is sent when it is about to run class side #initialize).

Once above code has been run (once), then you can load again your code in the normal way.

Dale, we should add this seaside re-load to the upgradeSeaside script...


On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 1:41 AM, Paul DeBruicker <[hidden email]> wrote:

Oh wait.

WAEnvironment initialize.

Seemed to have fixed it.  Following the senders of a message helps more than
writing emails some times....



Paul DeBruicker wrote
> Hi Mariano,
> I just ran into this issue.  Did you end up finding a solution?
> Thanks
> Paul
> Mariano Martinez Peck wrote
>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <

>> marianopeck@

>>> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I have a weird scenario I cannot solve. I am trying to load my app code
>>> (together with all it's dependencies) in a just migrated stone (from
>>> GemStone to GemStone 3.2.9). I performed all the steps of the
>>> migration.  Yet, I have an error, pasted below. However, if I run the
>>> same
>>> code to load my app in a fresh 3.2.9 extent, that works perfectly. It
>>> only
>>> fails in my migrated (from stone.
>>> The problem is in
>>> WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
>>> WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler put:
>>> self
>>> It fails because the
>>> WAConfiguration >> attributeAt: aSymbol
>>> ^ self attributeAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: [ WAAttributeNotFound
>>> signalWithKey:
>>> aSymbol ]
>>> gives a key not found.
>>> I did a search  in the mailing list and found related threads:
>>> http://forum.world.st/Glass-Zinc-2-4-3-on-Gemstone-td4759789.html#a4759875
>>> https://github.com/seasidest/seaside/issues/643
>>> But none show a solution.
>>> And yes, it is obvious it will fail because:
>>> WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults allAttributes ->
>>>  anIdentityDictionary( )
>>> Also, as you can see, the result of WAAdmin
>>> applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults has no parent or anything:
>>> Inspect aWASharedConfiguration/
>>> --------------------
>>> .                     -> aWASharedConfiguration
>>> (class)@              -> WASharedConfiguration
>>> (oop)@                -> 1169561601
>>> (committed)@          -> true
>>> cachedSearchContexts@ -> anIdentityDictionary(
>>> #'exceptionHandler'->aWAAttributeSearchContext)
>>> expressions@          -> aDictionary( )
>>> name@                 -> 'Application Exception Handling Defaults'
>>> parents@              -> anOrderedCollection( )
>>> I even tried the re-initialization of Seaside as provided by Bruno the
>>> other day:
>>> WAAdmin unregister: 'reps'.
>>> WAAdmin unregister: 'advisors'.
>>> WAAdmin unregister: 'clients'.
>>> WAGemStoneProductionErrorHandler  initialize.
>>> WAWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
>>> WARemoteDebuggingWalkbackErrorHandler initialize.
>>> [
>>>    WADispatcher default.
>>>    WASystemConfiguration allSubclasses
>>>      do: [ :each | each instance buildDescription ] ]
>>>      ensure: [ System commitTransaction ] .
>>> Still, same error.
>>> Any clues? Is there  way I can re-initialize all Seaside?
>>> This is the stack:
>>> aTDDebugger
>>> --------------------
>>> 1. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @6 line 25
>>> 2. WAAttributeNotFound(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
>>> 3. WAAttributeNotFound class>>signalWithKey: @4 line 4
>>> 4. [] in ExecBlock0(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
>>> 5. IdentityDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: @5 line 8
>>> 6. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt:ifAbsent: @3 line
>>> 2
>>> 7. WASharedConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>attributeAt: @2 line 2
>>> 8. WASharedConfiguration(WAUserConfiguration)>>at:put: @2 line 7
>>> 9. WAWalkbackErrorHandler class>>initialize @3 line 2
>>> 10. MCMethodDefinition>>postload @11 line 6
>>> 11. MCMethodDefinition(MCDefinition)>>postloadOver: @2 line 2
>>> 12. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @3 line 48
>>> 13. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 14. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress: @2 line 3
>>> 15. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @15 line 48
>>> 16. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 17. [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @2 line 49
>>> 18. MCPackageLoader(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 19. MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad @11 line 51
>>> 20. [] in MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @2 line 4
>>> 21. [] in ExecBlock0(MCPackageLoader)>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @2 line
>>> 9
>>> 22. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 23. MCPackageLoader>>useChangeSetNamed:during: @9 line 9
>>> 24. MCPackageLoader>>useNewChangeSetNamedLike:during: @3 line 2
>>> 25. MCPackageLoader>>loadWithNameLike: @6 line 4
>>> 26. MCVersionLoader>>load @9 line 6
>>> 27. MetacelloGoferLoad(GoferLoad)>>execute @6 line 3
>>> 28. [] in
>>> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
>>> @5 line 17
>>> 29. [] in
>>> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
>>> @14 line 21
>>> 30. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line
>>> 3
>>> 31.
>>> MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader(MetacelloCommonMCSpecLoader)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
>>> @7 line 5
>>> 32.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadPackageDirective:gofer:
>>> @4 line 4
>>> 33. MetacelloPackageLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @2 line 3
>>> 34. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 35. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 36.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 37. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 38. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 39. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 40.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 41. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 42. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 43. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 44.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 45. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 46. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 47. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 48.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 49. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 50. [] in
>>> ExecBlock1(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @2 line 3
>>> 51. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 52.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadLinearLoadDirective:gofer:
>>> @3 line 3
>>> 53. MetacelloLinearLoadDirective>>loadUsing:gofer: @6 line 4
>>> 54.
>>> MetacelloLinearLoadDirective(MetacelloVersionLoadDirective)>>loadWithPolicy:
>>> @7 line 7
>>> 55. MetacelloLoaderPolicy>>load @6 line 4
>>> 56. MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader>>doLoad @4 line 3
>>> 57. [] in ExecBlock0(MetacelloMCVersion)>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @2
>>> line
>>> 12
>>> 58. MetacelloGemStonePlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>do:displaying: @2 line
>>> 3
>>> 59. [] in MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @7 line 12
>>> 60. MetacelloMCVersion(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 61. MetacelloMCVersion>>doLoadRequiredFromArray: @22 line 16
>>> 62. Array(Collection)>>loadRequiredForMetacelloMCVersion: @2 line 3
>>> 63. MetacelloMCVersion>>load: @2 line 3
>>> 64. [] in
>>> MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade:
>>> @10 line 16
>>> 65. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 66. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @6 line 6
>>> 67. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 68. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @4 line
>>> 14
>>> 69. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 70. [] in MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line
>>> 20
>>> 71. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>on:do: @3 line 42
>>> 72. MetacelloScriptEngine>>handleNotificationsForAction: @2 line 24
>>> 73. [] in
>>> MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade:
>>> @2 line 5
>>> 74. MetacelloScriptEngine(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 75. MetacelloProjectRegistration class>>copyRegistryRestoreOnErrorWhile:
>>> @8 line 14
>>> 76. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load:onProjectDownGrade:onProjectUpgrade: @2
>>> line 3
>>> 77. MetacelloScriptEngine>>load: @2 line 3
>>> 78. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute:
>>> @11 line 15
>>> 79. [] in MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @5 line 6
>>> 80. Array(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
>>> 81. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor>>executeString:do: @6 line 4
>>> 82. String>>execute:against: @2 line 2
>>> 83. MetacelloScriptApiExecutor(MetacelloScriptExecutor)>>execute: @6
>>> line 9
>>> 84. Metacello>>execute:args: @8 line 5
>>> 85. Metacello>>load: @2 line 2
>>> 86. [] in Executed Code
>>> 87. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12
>>> 88. Executed Code
>>> 89. String(CharacterCollection)>>evaluateIn:symbolList:literalVars: @4
>>> line 13
>>> 90.
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>evaluateString:
>>> @5 line 3
>>> 91.
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>doItMenuAction:selectedText:
>>> @2 line 2
>>> 92.
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDWindowBuilder)>>handleMenuActions:listElement:actionArg:
>>> @12 line 10
>>> 93. [] in
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>menuActionBlock
>>> @6 line 8
>>> 94.
>>> TDWorkspaceClientElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>value:value:value:value:value:
>>> @2 line 11
>>> 95. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1
>>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Gerhard Obermann &lt;

>> obi068@

>> &gt;
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Not really, i only found the following in my notes.
>>>> HTH
>>>> Gerhard
>>>>    -
>>>>    Load Seaside 3.1.x but don’t initialize Seaside Classes
>>>> | performInitialization |
>>>> performInitialization := #().
>>>> [
>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [  Metacello new
>>>>    baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>>>    repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
>>>>    load: 'CI'].
>>>> ] on: MCPerformPostloadNotification do: [:ex |
>>>>           (performInitialization includes: ex postloadClass
>>>> theNonMetaClass name)
>>>>             ifTrue: [
>>>>               "perform initialization"
>>>>               ex resume: true ]
>>>>             ifFalse: [
>>>>               GsFile gciLogServer: ' Skip ', ex postloadClass name
>>>> asString, ' initialization.'.
>>>>                ex resume: false ] ]
>>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <

>> marianopeck@

>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Gerhard,
>>>>> I am getting the exact same issue. Do you remember what you did to fix
>>>>> it?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Gerhard Obermann &lt;

>> obi068@

>> &gt;
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dale!
>>>>>> I think as soon as I can load the stuff in my upgraded 3.2. DB, i can
>>>>>> test and contribute to zink and/or Glass / Seaside 3.1.
>>>>>> If it wont work until tomorrow i have to stay on for the next
>>>>>> few months at least.
>>>>>> At the moment i am trying to load Seaside 3.1.1 with
>>>>>> PS: To be able to load this i have loaded the Baseline packages
>>>>>> BaselineOfGLASS1,
>>>>>> BaselineOfSeaside3 , BaselineOfZinc manually from my forked GIT
>>>>>> clone.
>>>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>>>>>   Metacello new
>>>>>>     configuration: 'Grease';
>>>>>>     repository: '
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main';
>>>>>>     get.
>>>>>>   "Load Seaside31"
>>>>>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>>>>>   Metacello new
>>>>>>     baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository';
>>>>>>     load: 'CI'].
>>>>>> Not sure if i need to load  Metacello new
>>>>>>     baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>>>>>     load.
>>>>>> after the upgrade.
>>>>>> What is the difference between
>>>>>>   (ConfigurationOfGLASS project version: '1.0-beta.9.1') load
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>  Metacello new
>>>>>>     baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>>>>>     repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>>>>>     load.
>>>>>> *The load of the Seaside package failed with the init of *
>>>>>> *WAWalkbackErrorHandler => initialize*
>>>>>> * WAAdmin applicationExceptionHandlingDefaults at: #exceptionHandler
>>>>>> put: self*
>>>>>> [1] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> _signalWith:
>>>>>> inCextensionArg: nil
>>>>>> res: nil
>>>>>> .t1: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>>>> receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>>>> [2] WAAttributeNotFound (AbstractException) >> signal
>>>>>> receiver: a WAAttributeNotFound occurred (error 2710)
>>>>>> [3] WAAttributeNotFound class >> signalWithKey:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> receiver: WAAttributeNotFound
>>>>>> [4] [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> receiver: nil
>>>>>> [5] IdentityDictionary >> at:ifAbsent:
>>>>>> aKey: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> aBlock: anExecBlock0
>>>>>> anAssoc: nil
>>>>>> .t1: anExecBlock0
>>>>>> receiver: anIdentityDictionary( )
>>>>>> [6] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:ifAbsent:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> aBlock: anExecBlock0
>>>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>>>> [7] WASharedConfiguration (WAConfiguration) >> attributeAt:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>>>> [8] WASharedConfiguration (WAUserConfiguration) >> at:put:
>>>>>> aSymbol: #'exceptionHandler'
>>>>>> anObject: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>>>> receiver: aWASharedConfiguration
>>>>>> [9] WAWalkbackErrorHandler class >> initialize
>>>>>> receiver: WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>>>> [10] MCMethodDefinition >> postload
>>>>>> receiver: aMCMethodDefinition(WAWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>>>> class>>initialize)
>>>>>> Transcript:
>>>>>> Fetched -> FastCGIPool-dkh.2 ---
>>>>>> http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>>>> --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgiredirecting to
>>>>>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/fastcgi/FastCGI-dkh.33.mcz
>>>>>> Fetched -> FastCGI-dkh.33 --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>>>> --- http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/fastcgi
>>>>>> Fetched -> Seaside-Adaptors-FastCGI-dkh.26 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository
>>>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86 ---
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Grease-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.52 ---
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>>>> Evaluated -> Grease-GemStone-Core >> initializeTransactionMutex1051
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Core.gemstone-JohanBrichau.815 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone300-Core-DaleHenrichs.4 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Core-JohanBrichau.66 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Basic-Development-JohanBrichau.29 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Tests-Core-JohanBrichau.95 ---
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Grease-Tests-GemStone-Core-dkh.14 ---
>>>>>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Grease11/main --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Component-pmm.101 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Canvas-pmm.127 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Email-pmm.25 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Email-JohanBrichau.14 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-InternetExplorer-pmm.7 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Session.gemstone-JohanBrichau.169 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Session-DaleHenrichs.3 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-RenderLoop-pmm.96 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Core.gemstone-dkh.23 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Flow-pmm.24 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Examples-pmm.24 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Widgets-StephanEggermont.35 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Production-JohanBrichau.15 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-Tools-Web-pmm.119 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> Loaded -> Seaside-GemStone-Tools-Web-DaleHenrichs.4 ---
>>>>>> github://glassdb/Seaside31:gemstone3.1/repository --- cache
>>>>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Dale Henrichs <

>> dale.henrichs@

>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Marching Orders! Very good ...
>>>>>>> Johan, Gerhard, et. al., I want to follow your lead and fill in
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> the work is needed ...
>>>>>>> Do you guys think that getting Seaside/Zinc/etc. ported to
>>>>>>> GemStone3.2
>>>>>>> takes precedence over getting Zinc running on GemStone3.1?
>>>>>>> I can take a crack at solving Gerhard's Seaside3.1 loading error,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> Zinc has been on the brink for so long, maybe I should hit it hard
>>>>>>> and get
>>>>>>> the tests passing in GemStone 3.1 (encoding issues are right up my
>>>>>>> alley:)?
>>>>>>> If there are other outstanding problems that folks are looking at
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> can be added into the mix...
>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Johan Brichau &lt;

>> johan@

>> &gt;
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> I have been tampering off and on over the last few months to make
>>>>>>>> Zinc 2.4.3 work in Gemstone.
>>>>>>>> I made a pull request [1] with my changes, though not all tests are
>>>>>>>> passing and since most of the changes had to do with encoding, byte
>>>>>>>> arrays
>>>>>>>> vs strings, multibyte strings, etc... I really need someone to take
>>>>>>>> a look
>>>>>>>> at them. Also, the pace is quite slow by myself ;-)
>>>>>>>> This email is just to make sure that the pull request does not go
>>>>>>>> unnoticed for someone wanting to take up work on the port.
>>>>>>>> cheers!
>>>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/glassdb/zinc/pull/48
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>>>>> Mariano
>>>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>> --
>>> Mariano
>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Re-Cannot-load-Seaside-anymore-in-a-just-migrated-GemStone-WAS-Re-Glass-Zinc-2-4-3-on-Gemstone-tp4855877p4886223.html
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