Re: ColorTranscript howto fake/implement?

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Re: ColorTranscript howto fake/implement?

Hi Lawson,

please find attached a changeset that adds text support to TranscriptStream. You have to replace your transcript with "Transcript := TranscriptStream new".


Am 15.05.2019 20:35:00 schrieb LawsonEnglish <[hidden email]>:

I’m trying to implement something along the lines of:

ColorTranscript show: ‘text’ withColor: Color red; show: ‘more text’ withColor: Color blue.

All stream classes seem to strip out text attribute information except AttributedTextStream which seems rather incomplete.

I was thinking that I could analyze how the color menu that is accessed via cmd-6 (on the mac) is able to colorize a selection even in a transcript window and so implement the functionality by faking the UI’s steps, but I can’t figure out how to debug the interface and trace though a menu call to see what it actually does.

Any suggestions?

on how to trace the steps to colorize a word via the menu OR on how to implement the functionality directly…

Either/both would be appreciated,



color-transcript.1.cs (2K) Download Attachment