Re : Dimensions in Croquet space

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Re : Dimensions in Croquet space

Paul Sheldon-2
I think the rabbit is about as big as Alice in Alice in Wonderland and so
in croquet. So, let's don the Alice avatar and compare things to her.

I haven't dared to look much at squeek object code as you evidently have.

I've looked at the avatar python code and tried to write something like a
to stimulate folks (and myself) that it was safe.

OK. Break down to get my nerve on answering this.

There's something like makesphere on one of the menus in the nonbeta
release. See how big Alice is compared to it.

Do you know how to get the source squeek code on a sphere made this way?

See what the source says.

Please write it up and make us an exercise to get into the code
by this visual comparison. I'd like that; it would increase my nerve to