On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 11:59 AM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi All,
I want to be able to answer Max's message below with "run this script to build a VMMaker image", but so far I'm unable to download a VM from binary via curl (the default downloader on Mac OS X). If I try e.g.
WARNING: cannot verify akamai.bintray.com's certificate, issued by `/C=US/O=Symantec Corporation/OU=Symantec Trust Network/CN=Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4':
c6ba54ff93f202c24e6008cb5c8b49c803b4ac21b43646fc1c91756d6c985b19?__gda__=exp=1494270631~hmac=3fe7f593f3440ace34e3c013ab7119d52093ba1672a32f14f1747e3e7a4e0235&response-content-disposition=attachment;filename="cog_macos32x86_squeak.cog.spur_201705051953.tar.gz"&response-content-type=application%2Fx-www-form-urlencoded&requestInfo=U2FsdGVkX18Y_MJoYGQOYlat_mYoKMgk2XAwj9mM83g2sVlybJ4IVHj2U_7RPrccLSntxKjKu84Nw9tuDyVRF1bks0b9U_BjqCvXL9pfJZu_Z4BHUULx0GBuM5nr-oQndxXSWmK6CFB5zlERWr16NcVwm6K418muvWavbqgHjmI: File name too long
Cannot write to `c6ba54ff93f202c24e6008cb5c8b49c803b4ac21b43646fc1c91756d6c985b19?__gda__=exp=1494270631~hmac=3fe7f593f3440ace34e3c013ab7119d52093ba1672a32f14f1747e3e7a4e0235&response-content-disposition=attachment;filename="cog_macos32x86_squeak.cog.spur_201705051953.tar.gz"&response-content-type=application%2Fx-www-form-urlencoded&requestInfo=U2FsdGVkX18Y_MJoYGQOYlat_mYoKMgk2XAwj9mM83g2sVlybJ4IVHj2U_7RPrccLSntxKjKu84Nw9tuDyVRF1bks0b9U_BjqCvXL9pfJZu_Z4BHUULx0GBuM5nr-oQndxXSWmK6CFB5zlERWr16NcVwm6K418muvWavbqgHjmI' (Undefined error: 0).
On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 4:24 AM, Max Leske <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm trying to store an image segment with the latest pharo.cog.spur VM (32 bits) but keep failing. The segment should produce a file of around 60 MB. With an old V3 VM this is no problem at all. There, the WordArrayForSegment instance has a size of 4094179 but with the new VM I always run out of space because the primitive returns nil and, therefore, the word array size is constantly being increased.
I've built a debug VM and am stepping through the code but I don't have a clear understanding of everything that's happening. The failure happens on line 46626 of gcc3x-cointerp.c:
What I don't understand, for example, is why "newOop" is checked against "identityHashHalfWordMask()" and not against the segment end ("endSeg"). Here's a list of the current values of the variables upon failure: