On 30.07.2009, at 22:16, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
> Hi,
> Bert escribió:
> [...]
>> Alternatively, we are working on a version of Etoys that does not
>> require installation at all but runs directly from a USB flash
>> memory stick. We will have a beta release soonish, an alpha version
>> is at
http://wiki.squeakland.org/display/sq/Etoys+To+Go The only
>> drawback will be that this does not provide the web browser plugin.
> Just for curiosity... why?
Because it does not touch the host file system at all - but we would
need to do that to install a browser plugin.
> could this work with Firefox Portable if it is in the same USB?
This had not occurred to me but yes, that might work, albeit on
Windows only.
- Bert -
squeakland mailing list
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