Re: How do experienced squeakers design applications

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Re: How do experienced squeakers design applications

Andy Burnett
I'm a squeak newbie but I work and design every day on ruby / python /
delphi projects.  Personnaly I sketched out on paper, using UML mainly. Then
I take the most quick and easy functionality/class collaboration to develop
and I develop using Test Driven Development ( read Dave Astels fantastic
book "Test Driven Development: A practical guide" if you want more details
on this. I like the idea that tests drive the design ).

A tool I like  to draw UML diagrams is umlet :  It's
fast, no popups, dialog boxes, saves it's diagrams in plain text files (easy
to version), ... and free as in free beer ;)

This done (100% test green, 100% coverage and most obvious use cases
tested), I sketched out again for next tasks and start all cycle again.

In professionnal environment I like to use Scrum iterative development

I hope this help !


Thanks Laurent, that is very helpful, and I like the umlet application a lot.


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Re: Re: How do experienced squeakers design applications

Göran Krampe

My 2 cents:

I have worked in Smalltalk and OO for approx 15 years. I started out
using some advanced modelling tools - but quite quickly I ended up using
mainly object modelling.

And no, UML is not something I like much - I think it tends to make
people do "entity modelling" instead of focusing on objects (the
*instances* - not the classes).

Today I only use object models (on paper or whiteboard) when
communicating with someone else in a project. When developing on my own
it is all a mental image in my head - combined with using debugger,
explorers, inspectors, unit tests etc etc.

regards, Göran
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