Re Just google etc.

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Re Just google etc.

Paul Sheldon-2
I can see why, too, now!

I was a stranger asking to install. The grimaces. I started to catch on.
I was extremely embarrassed. I experienced it. I don't have to experience it
anymore. I found you guys to who croquet is not the invasion of a strange
rabbit, but something more.

But, back then,
the embarrassment overshadowed my even being able to ask people
to just google croquet without feeling tremendous stagefright.
People associate folks having stagefright as somehow wrong
or selling something worthless if they try to shake off their fears
as I did.

The owner asked me to leave when I finally just asked folks to google
I dealt with clearing up our feelings and we are now friends again.

Self doubt can make you lose some credibility even with close friends :
A lawyer friend in church wouldn't google and install.
A storyteller was afraid their PC would lose their work contacts.
My friend needed her computer to write resumes on.

So, I am very very happy that someone made movies that sell this stuff,
someone more confident than me or better someone affiliated
with a somewhat more trustable institution than me.

I wished to express my thanks to the fellows who made the tutorial movies.

With some distance from the trauma of my stupidity, maybe I have some
more confidence, but, when I put it to a youth sig leader
in Apple Computer Club, I feel this awkwardness.

I have posted to its forum and not felt so "intrusive".