Re: Looking for help with some issues I've come across in Squeak 4.5 All-In-One for Windows.

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Re: Looking for help with some issues I've come across in Squeak 4.5 All-In-One for Windows.

Herbert König
Hi Darin,

Am 19.12.2014 um 03:04 schrieb DarinM1967:
> 1. Unable to "Save Project" and "Save Project As".  When I do, it allows me
> to name the Project and it brings up the Resource Folder which doesn't show
> the "Squeaklets" folder (which should and does exist) and when I try to save
> anywhere in the resources or another folder I receive a Debug error
> "MessageNotUnderstood: ScrapBook>>emptyScrapsBook".
This is a bug introduced by environments aka namespaces. My personal
solution is to use 4.4 for development and 4.5 for deployment as I don't
need environments. is where you find the all
in one.

Depending on why you need projects you can use 4.5 anyway just keep
backups of your image. If you are into tile scripting you may want to
use Etoys which at some time in the past forked off Squeak and has tile
scripting as its main form of use. AFAIK they keep good Squeak

Every now and then I wreck an image. I need projects for documentation,
as creativity space and as multiple desktops. I need to save the
documentation projects that's why I use 4.4.



> 2. Unable to find packages in "StarMap Catagories" and "StarMap Catalog"
> other than the ones already in my Squeak distribution.  Now if there is a
> new way to find and install packages in Squeak please let me know.
I assume you mean SqueakMap here. There is an update button which will
populate the catalogue.


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