Re: Made project public and it doesn't show up in the Showcase

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Re: Made project public and it doesn't show up in the Showcase

mrsteve wrote:
I made a project public last night and as of this morning it still does not show up in the showcase, except when I log in. This is a brand new (ie: from scratch, no pun intended, not remixed project, so it should have a unique UID) When I log in, I can see the project and it has the "Make Private: button, so the system thinks it is public :cry:

I love Etoys (even with all my frustrations ;) and every time I consider Scratch and start using it I find out why I like Etoys so much better.


(Project located here)

All projects are moderated manually. So even when marked public they are not really public yet (would be nice if the button had a third state like "publishing requested" to indicate this). I'm sure there is a page somewhere explaining the moderation process but I can't find it, sorry.

- Bert -

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Re: Re: Made project public and it doesn't show up in the Showcase

Timothy Falconer-3
<base href="x-msg://37/">
On Nov 12, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Bert wrote:

mrsteve wrote:
I made a project public last night and as of this morning it still does not show up in the showcase, except when I log in. This is a brand new (ie: from scratch, no pun intended, not remixed project, so it should have a unique UID) When I log in, I can see the project and it has the "Make Private: button, so the system thinks it is public :cry: 

I love Etoys (even with all my frustrations ;) and every time I consider Scratch and start using it I find out why I like Etoys so much better.


(Project located here)

All projects are moderated manually. So even when marked public they are not really public yet (would be nice if the button had a third state like "publishing requested" to indicate this). I'm sure there is a page somewhere explaining the moderation process but I can't find it, sorry.

Actually, every time you make a project public, you get an email that says:

"It may be a little while before your project appears, since we review each project for objectionable content to keep things safe for the children of the world. You will receive an email when your project has been approved for public view on the showcase."

Perhaps this email is not going through?  Steve?

As for the third state of the button, what would happen when you click it?

Take care,

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Re: Re: Made project public and it doesn't show up in the Showcase

Bert Freudenberg

On 12.11.2009, at 11:21, Timothy Falconer wrote:

On Nov 12, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Bert wrote:

mrsteve wrote:
I made a project public last night and as of this morning it still does not show up in the showcase, except when I log in. This is a brand new (ie: from scratch, no pun intended, not remixed project, so it should have a unique UID) When I log in, I can see the project and it has the "Make Private: button, so the system thinks it is public :cry: 

I love Etoys (even with all my frustrations ;) and every time I consider Scratch and start using it I find out why I like Etoys so much better.


(Project located here)

All projects are moderated manually. So even when marked public they are not really public yet (would be nice if the button had a third state like "publishing requested" to indicate this). I'm sure there is a page somewhere explaining the moderation process but I can't find it, sorry.

Actually, every time you make a project public, you get an email that says:

"It may be a little while before your project appears, since we review each project for objectionable content to keep things safe for the children of the world. You will receive an email when your project has been approved for public view on the showcase."

Perhaps this email is not going through?  Steve?

As for the third state of the button, what would happen when you click it?

Good question. I guess a status indicator would be better: Private - Queued - Public. Or something like that.

- Bert -

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