Re: [Pharo-dev] Lock-free Atomic Counter ?

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Re: [Pharo-dev] Lock-free Atomic Counter ?

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Sven,

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:

Is it possible to have a simple lock-free atomic counter in Pharo 3.0 ?

  ^ idCounter := idCounter + 1

Or is it still possible that two process entering this code can mess things up ?

OK, but it's a real hack ;-).

In the current Interpreter, Stack and Cog VMs this will work fine up to 63-bits because non-failing primitives are not suspension points in the VM /except/ for the Semaphore primitives.  

If the counter is initialized to 0, at first, there won't even be a send since either the interpreter will evaluate special selector #+ on SmallInteger without performing a send, or machine code will evaluate the inlined code for SmallInteger #+ without doing a send.

Once the counter overflows into LargePositveInteger but is within 63-bits, there will be sends but these will always be of primitive 21 (LargePositiveInteger>>#+ uses primitive 21, which does 64-bit /signed/ arithmetic but nothing larger, hence works up to 63-bit LargePositiveIntegers).

Once beyond 63 bits the primitive will fail and there will be a suspension point in LargePositiveInteger>>#+ before it calls Integer>>#+, which will call digitAdd:.

You should be able to test this.  Try evaluating this one:

| counter proc |
counter := 0.
proc := [[counter := counter + 1. true] whileTrue] newProcess.
proc priority: Processor activePriority - 1.
proc resume.
[(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
 proc suspendedContext method ~~ thisContext method ifTrue: [proc suspend. self halt]] repeat

Now try and evaluate this one:
| counter proc |
counter := 1 bitShift: 64.
proc := [[counter := counter + 1. true] whileTrue] newProcess.
proc priority: Processor activePriority - 1.
proc resume.
[(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
 proc suspendedContext method ~~ thisContext method ifTrue: [proc suspend. self halt]] repeat

The second one halts almost immediately.  You can fix this by changing LargePositiveInteger>>#+ to use the primitive frm the large integer arithmetic plugin, which will not fail until it runs out of memory.

So if you really /must/ go this route you /can/ get away with it.  But on your own head be it ;-)

I vaguely remember a discussion about that long ago...


