Re: [Pharo-project] Following the white rabbit

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Re: [Pharo-project] Following the white rabbit

Edgar De Cleene

On 4/3/12 2:35 AM, "Miguel Cobá" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Excellent news.
> Felicidades Esteban, serás un gran factor para que Pharo y Pharo
> Consortium sigan cosechando triunfos.
> El lun, 02-04-2012 a las 18:15 +0200, Esteban Lorenzano escribió:
>> Hi list,
>> Today was my first day working for Pharo consortium, and is not necessary to
>> write how wonderful experience is to work in something really meaningful for
>> al of us, smalltalkers who are trying to make a living using this
>> environment.
>> So far, I'm just starting to feel the magic, how it is everything in the real
>> side of the matrix. A powerful world with tons of valuable things done, tons
>> ongoing and even more tons just being started to dream.
>> All my work this year will be improve the Pharo infraestructure and
>> collaborate on consortium kick-off, so I'm going to do things at several
>> levels.
>> In particular this first week, I will be working on:
>> -getting Pharo 1.4 ready to release (not just me, everybody here are commited
>> to that, but well... I'm being paid for INRIA to do it :P)
>> -start the Pharo consortium website building, which I think it will be a pier
>> site with our own developed components.
>> I'll keep you on track of what I'm doing.
>> best,
>> Esteban
>> ps: Of course, I want to thank to Stef and Marcus for this great job and all
>> the RMOD team here for being so helpful.

Un empate en orsai en el ultimo minuto no estaría tan mal :=)
En serio, desde este humilde bar te felicito.
Ojo con comer algunos hongos, ya que citas a  Lewis Carrol .
Acordate de nosotros y mandanos aunque sea algo informal de lo que estas

Toda la merde
