Re: [Pharo-project] I am missing userful functionality?

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Re: [Pharo-project] I am missing userful functionality?

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi igor

I cannot help but indeed we need a real brand new classbuilder
with a nice MOP for instance migrating too. We will start to work on that probably december/january.

On Sep 23, 2010, at 12:03 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> Hello, guys
> i want to do a simple thing, which can be expressed by following:
> oldClass replaceWith: newClass migrateInstances: [:inst |
>  ... ]
> In my case, first, i installing a WeakFinalizationRegistry class,
> and then want to replace an old WeakRegistry class with it,
> silently and painlessly.
> I end up with following script:
> | old new oldClass newClass |
> old := OrderedCollection new.
> new := OrderedCollection new.
> "migrate instances"
> WeakRegistry allInstancesDo: [:registry | | newr |
> old add: registry.
> newr := WeakFinalizationRegistry basicNew initialize.
> registry migrateTo: newr.
> new add: newr ].
> old asArray elementsForwardIdentityTo: new asArray.
> "replace the class"
> oldClass := WeakRegistry.
> newClass := WeakFinalizationRegistry.
> Smalltalk forgetClass: #WeakFinalizationRegistry logged: false.
> newClass superclass removeSubclass: newClass.
> newClass setName: #WeakRegistry.
> oldClass becomeForward: newClass.
> --
> it looks a bit hackish, and i wonder how to do that in more 'standard' way.
> Initially replacing classes was:
>  oldClass removeFromSystem.
>  newClass rename: #WeakRegistry
> the problem with that, is that all compiled methods , which was
> referring to old class through association,
> still using it, and to get rid of them i have to recompile them.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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