Re: [Pharo-project] Power of Fuel - Pharo-Kernel to Pharo-Core in 15 seconds

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Re: [Pharo-project] Power of Fuel - Pharo-Kernel to Pharo-Core in 15 seconds

Edgar De Cleene

On 4/10/12 9:48 AM, "Pavel Krivanek" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> You can see it in action:
> -- Pavel
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Pavel Krivanek
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried to load entire Pharo-Core content into Pharo-Kernel with help
>> of Fuel and I was successful. It was done in 4 steps:
>> - load and initialize all packages up to Gofer (gofer.fuel)
>> - load and initialize Ring (ring.fuel)
>> - load rest of the Paharo-Core packages (pharo-core.fuel)
>> - do the initialization of Morphic and the rest of the system.
>> All that takes about 15 seconds on my old laptop. Normally it takes
>> about 12 minutes.
>> Of course there are several issues we have to solve permanently:
>> - current Fuel cannot load several packages at once but it is very
>> easy to enhance it.
>> - Fuel has some problems with Traits (registerOnLoad, rebindOnLoad,
>> sometimes nil category)
>> - the packages must be clean because Fuel raises error when it uses
>> unknown global variable
>> - Fuel must have a way how to disable initialization of loaded classes
>> - some packages like Morphic have extension methods in categories
>> named "*Morphic-something". PackageInfo ignores it and expects that
>> this categories are extending categories of some different package.
>> - it doesn't store to Changes.
>> If anyone will want, I send him an archive with the images and ad-hoc fixes.
>> Cheers,
>> -- Pavel

Extraordinario !!!
When MinimalMorphic (or newer concept) in Pharo with Fuel ?
