Re: [Pharo-project] SocketStream enh

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Re: [Pharo-project] SocketStream enh

Stéphane Ducasse
I will forward that to squeakers because they may be interested too.

On Aug 19, 2010, at 3:04 PM, LUIS E QUIJANO wrote:

> Stef,
> I have been testing your SocketStream code.  So far so good.
> I noticed that if accidentally a SmallInteger versus a CharacterOrByte parameter is used in the method SocketStream>>upTo:, the environment goes into a degraded state that persists until the original instance of SocketStream gets closed.  For example, no more new Socket connects.  After closing the original instance of SocketStream, the environment "seems" to be back to "normal".  A simple example for reproducing the "bad parameter" situation is below.
> Hope this helps,
> Luis
> -=-=-
> Luis Quijano
> [hidden email]
> -=-=-
> | hostName portNumber hostIP ss data |
> hostName := ''.
> portNumber := 10001.
> hostIP := NetNameResolver addressForName: hostName timeout: 20.
> ss := SocketStream openConnectionToHost: hostIP port: portNumber.
> Transcript
>        show: '---------- Connecting ----------'; cr;
>        show: 'hostName = ' , hostName; cr;
>        show: 'hostIP = ' , hostIP printString; cr;
>        show: 'portNumber = ' , portNumber printString;
>        cr.
> "data := ss upTo: (Character value: 68)." "Good parameter"
> data := ss upTo: 68. "Bad parameter"
> Transcript
>        show: 'Data received: ';
>        show: data;
>        cr.
> ss close.
> Transcript
>        show: '---------- Connection Closed ----------';
>        cr.
> data inspect.
> =====
> At 11:43 AM 8/8/2010, you wrote:
>> Hi lukas and others....
>> I will integrate the following SocketStream tests and before I would love to see if this
>> does not impact seaside
>> Stef
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