Re: [Pharo-project] change pharo image title

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Re: [Pharo-project] change pharo image title

Eliot Miranda-2
On Cog:

primitiveHostWindowTitle: windowIndex string: titleString
<primitive: 'primitiveHostWindowTitle' module: 'HostWindowPlugin'>
self primitiveFailed

"Answer the native Squeak window handle, presumably a pointer, as an unsigned integer.
This value should be usable in native calls to the window manager as well as
the argument to primitiveNativeWindowPosition:"
<primitive: 'primitiveSqueakWindowHandle' module: 'HostWindowPlugin'>
self primitiveFailed


"What winIndex refers to Squeak's main window?"
^ Smalltalk platformName caseOf: {
['Win32'] -> [ (self squeakWindowHandle) ]. "Window Index is just the handle here."
['unix'] -> [ self squeakWindowHandle ]. "Window Index is just the handle here."
['Mac OS'] -> [ 1 ] "The Host Window plugin shares the window-ref lookup table."
} otherwise: [ -1 ].

self primitiveHostWindowTitle: self squeakWinIndex string: 'Yowza!'

You can find the full set of primitives in a class called HostWindows in OpenQwaq.  You can find the plugin in Cog's HostWindowPlugin

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Gary Chambers <[hidden email]> wrote:
For Windows only...
(HostWindowProxy new instVarNamed: #windowHandle put: Win32Window getFocus; yourself)
  windowTitle: aString
Would be nice if the HostWindow stuff had some develpment time...

Regards, Gary
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 7:56 PM
Subject: [Pharo-project] change pharo image title

Is there a way to programmatically set the title of a pharo image on startup? I grabbed the first level pasteup morph and tried to play with it but I didn't find the intended method.


