On 1/12/06, Philippe Marschall <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> > - Can I distribute a Squeak image with my code loaded?
> > yes
> Sorry to sound like a troll, but is that true even if your customer
> lives in Syria, Iran and all the other countries that are under US
> export regulations?
> Are you even allowed to use Squeak in these countries?
Sure. The license doesn't say anything about that. It's the "exporter"
that is at risk. Luckily, these days, simply offering something on a
website for download doesn't seem to be regarded as exporting anymore.
That clause is mostly a paper tiger.
(envisioning an Afghan Al Qaeda training camp where they huddle around
a campfire and an iBook trying to find out how they can use EToys to
do Bad Things[tm])