Re: Re: Plopp...DirectX wikipedia

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Re: Re: Plopp...DirectX wikipedia

Paul Sheldon-2
Thanks Bert.

I only got the highest end pc in Cal I tried to install on to work,
not "the low end one in the kids room".
The woman who had it had issues
and wouldn't go for quality collaborative time with kids
on her computer. She did her level best to freak me out with distraction
so I couldn't guess her son had firewalled the thing against wifi
connecting the rabbit to jump to my mac.

I'm hearing you say that DirectX purports aborting
doing time expensive things when fast video card
doesn't cheapen the time. That is, in mac programming language,
it has a gestalt mechanism that checks if a card is installed
and avoids doing things without a graphics card that need a graphics card
to save much time.

I'm suspicious that it does
as microsoft alleges from something you wrote the list or just me long ago
as well as from my experience of waiting for the rabbit in the kid's room

I badly remember what you wrote and think it was something like :
"Croquet is built, not for third world UN 100 laptops,
but rather high end high baud rate fast graphic card ones".

I found the high baud rate following a lead to some Indian reservation.
I got some inquiry about my allegation
after I passed the lead, but didn't get anyone following up
where I passed that lead
to saying the poor native Americans had rabbits jumping around.
They would have told me, I trust, if they did with DirectX.

So, it might be a long road to solution involving anger management
after a long visit with my mom. But, I am getting ahead of myself.


I have sped read the following elaboration I archive for later search
to help the one stuck in the kids room.
Perhaps so journaling will assist others and assist
in building the commons :

I hope that when I get back from visiting an extremely aged cranky mother
managing anger with deep studies I've been doing at my church
I may attempt to use the leads you gave to install in a poor Latino
for practice (Trinity River Mission in Dallas).

I feel these friends will be cool for strategies
at doing high tech with cheap hardware.

I'm sad I forgot to check with Raphael this year, but I got zonked
with non-croquet adventures. Maybe May 7 will hopefully see me otherwise!

Thanks for leads of solution instead of impossibility. It is enough
I daunt myself.