Re: [Seaside] [Seaside News] Smalltalkhub, ConfigurationOfSeaside3, Seaside3.1

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Re: [Seaside] [Seaside News] Smalltalkhub, ConfigurationOfSeaside3, Seaside3.1

Tobias Pape
Am 14.09.2013 um 10:33 schrieb Johan Brichau <[hidden email]>:

> Hi Seasiders,
> The Seaside repository moved to Smalltalkhub, a new ConfigurationOfSeaside3 was created and Seaside 3.1 is in release candidate mode.
> Current stable release for all platforms is 3.0.8 (with a final bugfix release 3.0.9 coming up).
> Seaside 3.1 has all tests green on Pharo 1.4 and 2.0. We are working on Gemstone and Squeak

Squeak should now work just fine, too.
For Squeak (and Pharo, but I haven't checked up to which version),
the WebServer of Andrea’s WebClient is made available as Server adaptor again.


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