Re: Someone is using Cuis 3.1 on old Mac PPC ?

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Re: Someone is using Cuis 3.1 on old Mac PPC ?

Edgar De Cleene

On 5/9/11 7:29 AM, "Edgar J. De Cleene" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Folks:
> I have a couple of old G2 which I use a lot with MinimalMorphic derivated
> images.
> Like to change to Cuis , but until now no mac VM run on PPC and also run Cuis.
> Any feedback ?
> Edgar

Answering my own question and with the help of Juan

1 Go to
2 Download Carbon VM Squeak 4.2.5beta1U
3 Copy the Cuis files, in my case Cuis3.1r3

4 Ready, as I said private to Juan

Muchas gracias por hacer la MEJOR IMAGEN REDUCIDA de la historia de Squeak.
