On Jan 30, 2007, at 6:16 AM, kiran wrote:
> Can we use Squeak FFI to write adapters for accessing Windows .Net
> components?
Hi Kiran,
You can use Squeak FFI to call functions from C DLLs, so I think if
you had a Managed C++ DLL that called your .NET code, this would
work. However, it might be difficult to retain references to
individual .NET objects.
There is a bridge between .NET and Squeak that lets you use most .NET
objects directly from Squeak. I haven't tried it with Croquet, but I
think it should work. The code style looks like
list := DotNet ArrayList new.
list count. "Answers 0"
list add: 'Hello'.
list add: 'World'.
list do: [:each | Transcript show: each; cr]. "Prints Hello(cr)World
John Pierce and I wrote this bridge as a way of being able to
explore .NET in an interactive fashion, and also so we could explore
using more dynamic languages in our .NET shop.
There are a few rough edges - such as garbage collection - but maybe
this will be useful to you.
The Squeak/.NET Bridge is usually available via SqueakMap, but right
now the hosting server is down. If you're interested, please send me
mail directly and I will send you a copy. (Replies on the list are OK
too, but private mail might be more polite to the list! :)
Benjamin Schroeder