True, I’d never thought of that…
That’s what I’m trying to do. The problem I face is that the database queries run in a separate process (Smalltalk process in the VM). Once I’m in the child process, there’s always a small window in which the scheduler might run that process before I can terminate it or do something else. My understanding from the C code (from reading man fork(2) and man clone(2)) is that sending Socket>>destroy (which does a close()) shouldn’t have any effect on the socket in the parent. My guess is that things get hairy when the process with the database queries gets processor time before I can destroy the sockets. When that happens, I suddenly have two processes reading from AND writing to the same socket (which can’t be good…). I just realized, there are BlockClosure>>valueUnpreemptively and BlockClosure>>valueUninterruptably. Maybe a can wrap the the code in the fork into such a block somehow to prevent the other processes from running? Thanks Dave.
Hm… that gives me an idea: assume that everything works as advertised and that the child process gets copies of the socket descriptors (which can be closed safely without intefering with the parent). If I’m right, the Socket instances in the image hold on to the address of the *parent* handle (in an inst var). So now, when I close a socket with #primSocketDestroy:, the handle passed to the plugin will be the handle of the parent socket (although it sounds strange that the child should be able to close a file descriptor of its parent…). That would mean that I must not close any sockets in the child. One option, it seems to me, is to suspend all processes that use sockets. Terminating them might pose another problem, if socket destruction is part of an unwind block in one of the processes (e.g. TCP connections in Seaside) then sockets will be destroyed during termination. Another option: set all the socket handles to nil, then terminate the processes (yes ugly, but it might just work…).
OSProcess uses plain fork() (in forkSqueak()). That’s what I use from the image.
From my understanding the file descriptors should be copied (fork). So that shouldn’t happen (but see above…).
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