Re: Traits in 6724

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Re: Traits in 6724

Adrian Lienhard
Hi Alex,

> Is there some hided menu in the code browser ? How can I add and  
> define new traits ?

There used to be menu entries to add and create new traits.  
Apparently this was lost somewhere in recent 3.9a changes... Ok, this  
is caused by the Services package that overrides the method  

> I dusted off what I did some time ago. The changeset I attached to  
> this email offers a minimal support for traits in current browser,  
> while waiting for the OB-based trait browser...
> [...]
> I am not sure it makes sense to include it in a new release of  
> squeak, but I had to use this changeset if I want to use traits...

yes, maybe we should include this. I haven't done it because it had  
some issues and because Daniel argued that it would make more sense  
to push forward the Traits OmniBrowser instead of hacking the old  

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Re: Traits in 6724

Marcus Denker

On 18.02.2006, at 13:25, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

>> yes, maybe we should include this. I haven't done it because it  
>> had some issues and because Daniel argued that it would make more  
>> sense to push forward the Traits OmniBrowser instead of hacking  
>> the old browser.
> I agree with Daniel, however, this change is really small, and does  
> not break existing code.
> I am eagerly waiting for the new Browser too...

I think we need at least a little bit of functionality in the old  
browser: I *need* to see if a method comes from a trait, and I need  
the ability
to see which of the many copies in the "implementors" list is the  
original. I already nearly destroyed my image by making a change
to a method in Behavoir, resulting in a copy, thus having that change  
not in Traits objects, thus breaking compilation of methods in Traits...

I think we don't need much in the standard browser, just some hint  
"this is a method from a Trait" and then, when doing "alt-m" a hint
"this is the one true original method".
