I added you as developer on SqueakSource VMMaker. Note that Cog related
updates are being posted with names like VMMaker.oscog-kdt.nn, whereas
the traditional interpreter VMMaker updates are in e.g. VMMaker-dtl.238.
I am assuming your updates will go to VMMaker.oscog-kdt.nn, but note
that if you update the main branch (VMMaker-dtl.238) I appreciate if
you can also edit VMMaker class>>versionString to increment minor
version number with each update.
On Thu, Jun 02, 2011 at 08:09:14AM -0700, Ken Treis wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but... can I get write permission on the VMMaker repository on SqueakSource? I fixed a bug in the ReentrantFFIPlugin and would like to post it for Eliot to look at.
> My SqueakSource username is "kdt".
> Thanks!
> --
> Ken Treis
> Miriam Technologies, Inc.