Re: [Vm-dev] About primitive for cleaning compiled method cache

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Re: [Vm-dev] About primitive for cleaning compiled method cache

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Nicolas,

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 4:54 AM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

As I understand it, there is a nuclear weapon
- primitive 89 for cleaning all caches
and more chirurgical tools:
- primitive 116 for cleaning method cache of a single CompiledMethod
- primitive 119 for cleaning method cache for all CompiledMethod
corresponding to a given selector

Currently, when we replace a CompiledMethod in some MethodDictionary,
we call both primitive 116 then primitive 119.
As I understand it from image code comments, this was to support old
VM that would support either one or the other form.
Modern VM (interpreter VM4.x serie, Stack or Cog) are mandatory to run
a modern image all implement both forms, so backward support argument
is gone.
I think it's time to clean some dust.
So my question is which one is necessary ?


Primitive 119.  Primitive 116 will give bugs.  For example, if we have

Object subclass: #A

A subclass: #B

A foo

A bar
    ^self foo

and we evaluate
    B new bar

then there is an inline cache entry in A>>#bar and an entry in the first-level method lookup cache that says instances of B receiving #foo should execute A>>#foo.  If we add 

B foo

then we haven't changed A>>#foo but the cache entries in A>>#bar and the first-level method cache for B #foo => A>>#foo must still be flushed.  Make sense?

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Re: [Vm-dev] About primitive for cleaning compiled method cache

Igor Stasenko
On 14 March 2013 00:13, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Nicolas,
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 4:54 AM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> As I understand it, there is a nuclear weapon
>> - primitive 89 for cleaning all caches
>> and more chirurgical tools:
>> - primitive 116 for cleaning method cache of a single CompiledMethod
>> - primitive 119 for cleaning method cache for all CompiledMethod
>> corresponding to a given selector
>> Currently, when we replace a CompiledMethod in some MethodDictionary,
>> we call both primitive 116 then primitive 119.
>> As I understand it from image code comments, this was to support old
>> VM that would support either one or the other form.
>> Modern VM (interpreter VM4.x serie, Stack or Cog) are mandatory to run
>> a modern image all implement both forms, so backward support argument
>> is gone.
>> I think it's time to clean some dust.
>> So my question is which one is necessary ?
>> Nicolas
> Primitive 119.  Primitive 116 will give bugs.  For example, if we have
> Object subclass: #A
> A subclass: #B
> A foo
>     ^#A
> A bar
>     ^self foo
> and we evaluate
>     B new bar


MethodDictionary>>at: key put: value
        "Set the value at key to be value."
        | index |
        index := self findElementOrNil: key.
        (self basicAt: index)
                        [tally := tally + 1.
                        self basicAt: index put: key]
                        [(array at: index) flushCache].
        array at: index put: value.
        self fullCheck.
        ^ value

CM>>flushCache uses primitive 116.
But look at the above implementation:
 it uses flushing only if you replacing existing method.

But not if you adding new method (like overriding in a subclass),
which you can simply expose with following:

Object subclass: #A
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'TTT'

        ^ 'foo'

A subclass: #B
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'TTT'

   ^ 'zork '
| x y |
x := B new foo.
B methodDict at: #foo put: (B>>#zork).
y := B new foo.
{  x. y }


 #('foo' 'foo')

while expected answer is
#('foo' 'zork') , of course.

Also gives same result, if i do:

        ^self foo

and invoke.
| x y |
x := B new bar.
B methodDict at: #foo put: (B>>#zork).
y := B new bar.
{  x. y }

 #('foo' 'foo')

Apparently, if we consider MethodDictionary>>at:put: as a last line of
defense (against bugs),
that line has a big breach, which needs to be fixed.

> then there is an inline cache entry in A>>#bar and an entry in the first-level method lookup cache that says instances of B receiving #foo should execute A>>#foo.  If we add
> B foo
>    ^#B
> then we haven't changed A>>#foo but the cache entries in A>>#bar and the first-level method cache for B #foo => A>>#foo must still be flushed.  Make sense?
> --
> best,
> Eliot

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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Re: [Vm-dev] About primitive for cleaning compiled method cache

Igor Stasenko
as a follow-up.. given the implementation of at:put:
i expected that following would work correctly:

| x y |
B methodDict removeKey: #foo ifAbsent: [ ].
x := B new bar.
B methodDict at: #foo put: (B>>#zork).
B methodDict at: #foo put: (B>>#zork).
y := B new bar.
{  x. y }

(a second at:put: shall trigger flushing the cache)..

yet it gives same answer:
 #('foo' 'foo')

Conclusion: primitive 116 is NOT enough.

While method's comment says otherwise:

        "Tell the interpreter to remove all references to this method from
its method lookup cache, if it has one. This primitive must be called
whenever a method is redefined or removed.
        NOTE:  Only one of two selective flush methods (Symbol or
CompiledMethod) needs to be used."

        <primitive: 116>

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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Re: [Vm-dev] About primitive for cleaning compiled method cache

Nicolas Cellier
2013/3/14 Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]>:

> as a follow-up.. given the implementation of at:put:
> i expected that following would work correctly:
> | x y |
> B methodDict removeKey: #foo ifAbsent: [ ].
> x := B new bar.
> B methodDict at: #foo put: (B>>#zork).
> B methodDict at: #foo put: (B>>#zork).
> y := B new bar.
> {  x. y }
> (a second at:put: shall trigger flushing the cache)..
> yet it gives same answer:
>  #('foo' 'foo')
> Conclusion: primitive 116 is NOT enough.
> While method's comment says otherwise:
> flushCache
>         "Tell the interpreter to remove all references to this method from
> its method lookup cache, if it has one. This primitive must be called
> whenever a method is redefined or removed.
>         NOTE:  Only one of two selective flush methods (Symbol or
> CompiledMethod) needs to be used."
>         <primitive: 116>
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

Yes the comment is for old VM and obsolete.
But see Behavior>>basicAddSelector:withMethod: and basicRemoveMethod,
they invoke primitive 119 unconditionnally.

Misunderstanding in this area is dangerous, so it's time to properly
document and clean if necessary, and kill false assumptions.


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Re: [Vm-dev] About primitive for cleaning compiled method cache

Igor Stasenko
On 14 March 2013 09:29, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> 2013/3/14 Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]>:
>> as a follow-up.. given the implementation of at:put:
>> i expected that following would work correctly:
>> | x y |
>> B methodDict removeKey: #foo ifAbsent: [ ].
>> x := B new bar.
>> B methodDict at: #foo put: (B>>#zork).
>> B methodDict at: #foo put: (B>>#zork).
>> y := B new bar.
>> {  x. y }
>> (a second at:put: shall trigger flushing the cache)..
>> yet it gives same answer:
>>  #('foo' 'foo')
>> Conclusion: primitive 116 is NOT enough.
>> While method's comment says otherwise:
>> flushCache
>>         "Tell the interpreter to remove all references to this method from
>> its method lookup cache, if it has one. This primitive must be called
>> whenever a method is redefined or removed.
>>         NOTE:  Only one of two selective flush methods (Symbol or
>> CompiledMethod) needs to be used."
>>         <primitive: 116>
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko.
> Yes the comment is for old VM and obsolete.
> But see Behavior>>basicAddSelector:withMethod: and basicRemoveMethod,
> they invoke primitive 119 unconditionnally.
yes, that makes invoking 116 unnecessary at all.
I am for putting this critical behavior into method dictionary..
then there is guarantee that no matter how you play with class(es) it
will flush things properly.

> Misunderstanding in this area is dangerous, so it's time to properly
> document and clean if necessary, and kill false assumptions.
> Nicolas

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.