Re: [Vm-dev] Android Cog VM/Pharo Builds at INRIA Jenkins

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Re: [Vm-dev] Android Cog VM/Pharo Builds at INRIA Jenkins

David T. Lewis
Really nice! Thank you for this Android VM work, and also for the excellent
documentation on installation and usage.

(CC to squeak-dev also)


On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 10:04:48AM -0400, Dmitry Golubovsky wrote:

> Hi,
> There are two CI (continuous integration) jobs running periodically at
> the INRIA Jenkins server: CogDroid and PharoDroid. The former is an
> unbundled NonJIT Cog VM for Android which can run any Smalltalk image
> original Cog VM can run. The latter is the same Cog VM bundled with a
> generic Pharo 1.4 Smalltalk image. These two builds complement each
> other, and together they comprise an Android analog of the one-click
> Pharo distribution: a practically usable piece of software ready for
> development and exploration of possible uses of Smalltalk on mobile
> devices.
> Whoever is interested to try Pharo and other compatible Smalltalk
> implementations on Android devices are welcome to use these builds. A
> brief overview with installation and usage recommendations can be
> found here:
> The developer of CogDroid and PharoDroid hopes that these new Android
> applications will help the adoption of Smalltalk for writing
> applications for mobile devices.
> Any thoughts, suggestions and critics are welcome.
> Thanks.
> --
> Dmitry Golubovsky
> Anywhere on the Web