Re: [Vm-dev] Hello VM Dev List From StackInterpreterSimulator

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Re: [Vm-dev] Hello VM Dev List From StackInterpreterSimulator

Hi Bert.

Thanks for the compliment and the pointers.

I agree that the mods to HandMorph need to go away and the existing functionality should be used.
That means using the existing HandMorph>>addEventListener and generating the event format that StackInteprterSimulator >>ioGetNextEvent: evtBuf expects in the morph's model.

Unfortunately, I found that step daunting. Basically, it was a time-and-energy decision.

Since I already knew that the StackIntepreterSimulator would respond to EventSensor events, I decided to eliminate a possible source of error by going with a known working format.
That allowed me to focus on filtering and transforming (such as they are). When I get time, I will work on what you suggest as I agree with you.

However, IF there is some Morphic talent out there that can do this stuff in their sleep, then I hope they will take up the task. This is my first Morphic attempt and it is sure to have some ugly stuff in it.
I would prefer to have a pro do it right.

>>Maybe this helps: Your host VM may or may not run using the event primitives. It might use the polling primitives. Morphic runs fine on both. So in some cases it's not even *possible* to use the "original VM events".

That sound interesting! I never heard of this distinction in events. What are they?

Thank you again.

