Re: [Vm-dev] Incomprehendable behaviour of ContextPart class >>#contextOn:do:

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Re: [Vm-dev] Incomprehendable behaviour of ContextPart class >>#contextOn:do:

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Lars,

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Lars Wassermann <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello VM-dev,
I habe problems understanding what exactly happens when I step through:
(ContextPart contextOn: Error do: []) halt
in a workspace.
When I step over the parenthesis in the debugger, everything works kind of like expected (the context of contextOn:do: misses one temporary but the returned value is what the methods description promised). When I step into or through the code, an error is raised when executing bytecode 54 of #contextOn:do:, because the temps-array illegally has been poped (by bytecode 53).

My question now is:
Why does the normal vm not only break when runing this code, but also return the correct value (the first element of the last temporary).
I appended a graphic trying to visualize what happens up to the miracle of three skipped bytecodes.

Ugh.  I hate this method.   Actually I hate ContextPart>>jump, which is the really evil method.

So let's take a look at the methods:

ContextPasrt class>>contextOn: exceptionClass do: block
"Create an #on:do: context that is ready to return from executing its receiver"

| ctxt chain |
ctxt := thisContext.
[chain := thisContext sender cut: ctxt. ctxt jump]
on: exceptionClass
do: block.
"jump above will resume here without unwinding chain"
^ chain

answers a context that is an activation of on:do: ready to catch the supplied exception.  It is used by ContextPart>>runUntilErrorOrReturnFrom: to insert an exception handler for UnhandledError immediately beneath the current context being executed by the debugger.

The on:do: argument is a little unclear.  It is easier to understand if it reads

ContextPasrt class>>contextOn: exceptionClass do: block
"Create an #on:do: context that is ready to return from executing its receiver"

| ctxt onDoContext |
ctxt := thisContext.
[onDoContext := thisContext sender.
 onDoContext cut: ctxt.
 ctxt jump]
on: exceptionClass
do: block.
"jump above will resume here without unwinding chain"
^ onDoContext

So the idea is to run until in the on:do:'s receiver (the [onDoContext := ...] block), grab the sender (the on:do: activation), remove intervening contexts (onDoContext cut: ctxt) so that on:do:'s handlerActive doesn't get set, resume executing in the contextOn:do: context (ctxt jump) and answer the onDoContext.

The horror is in ContextPart>>jump:

"Abandon thisContext and resume self instead (using the same current process).  You may want to save thisContext's sender before calling this so you can jump back to it.
Self MUST BE a top context (ie. a suspended context or a abandoned context that was jumped out of).  A top context already has its return value on its stack (see Interpreter>>primitiveSuspend and other suspending primitives).
thisContext's sender is converted to a top context (by pushing a nil return value on its stack) so it can be jump back to."

| top |
"Make abandoned context a top context (has return value (nil)) so it can be jumped back to"
thisContext sender push: nil.

"Pop self return value then return it to self (since we jump to self by returning to it)"
stackp = 0 ifTrue: [self stepToSendOrReturn].
stackp = 0 ifTrue: [self push: nil].  "must be quick return self/constant"
top := self pop.
thisContext privSender: self.
^ top

This works by returning to self (a MethodContext), but return pushes a result.  So the code pops the top thing off the stack and returns it.  This is evil.  If the stack is empty then this will pop the receiver, return it and push it back in the return (!!).  If the stack contains only temps then the last temp is popped and pushed by the return (!!).  This is what you're seeing.  The stack's last temp is an indirection vector.  It gets popped off the stack by
top := self pop.
at which point any attempt to look at self's temps in a debugger will cause an error because the indirection vector is no longer there.  It then gets pushed back by=
^ top

Horrible.  It all depends on being able to create a temporary invalid execution state in a context.

A better way to do this is by process switch, avoiding the return.  For example, in my basic block profiler I handle an unknownBytecode error caused by executing the unknownBytecode that overwrites the bytecode at the beginning of each basic block, replaces the unknownBytecode with the correct bytecode, and continues:

"Handle unusedBytecode by replacing the bytecode with the
 correct one found in the coverage property and continuing.
 Continue via wait/signal since return would push a result."
| coverage semaphore process |
self assert: (method at: pc) = method encoderClass unusedBytecode.
coverage := method propertyValueAt: #coverage.
self assert: coverage notNil.
self assert: (coverage includesKey: pc).
semaphore := Semaphore new.
process := Processor activeProcess.

at: pc
put: (coverage removeKey: pc).
 process suspendedContext unwindTo: self.
 process suspendedContext: self.
 semaphore signal] fork.

semaphore wait

So that could become something like

"Abandon thisContext and resume self instead (using the same current process).  You may want to save thisContext's sender before calling this so you can jump back to it.
Self MUST BE a top context (ie. a suspended context or a abandoned context that was jumped out of).  A top context already has its return value on its stack (see Interpreter>>primitiveSuspend and other suspending primitives)."
| semaphore process |
semaphore := Semaphore new.
process := Processor activeProcess.

[process suspendedContext unwindTo: self.
 process suspendedContext: self.
 semaphore signal] fork.

semaphore wait

but perhaps the process switch will introduce other problems.  I don't know.

Hope this helps.

I replicated the behavior in Squeak 4.0 and 4.4 images on interpreter VMs 3.7.7, 4.10, and a newer cog VM.

A fix to the problem of stepping and comprehension as well as the missing temp in the frame would be changing the method to:

contextOn: exceptionClass do: block
        "Create an #on:do: context that is ready to return from executing its receiver"

        | ctxt chain |
        ctxt := thisContext.
        [chain := thisContext sender cut: ctxt.
        ctxt push: nil. ctxt jump] on: exceptionClass do: block.
        "jump above will resume here without unwinding chain"
        ^ chain

The difference is that after cutting off ctxt, we ensure that it is a top context by pushing a meaningless value. But this still doesn't help me understanding the original behaviour.

Thank you and all the best
