Re: [Vm-dev] Re: SecureSession frame types

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Re: [Vm-dev] Re: SecureSession frame types

Robert Withers
Good morning, just a few comments and questions..

1) current 4bits for msgVersion and 4bits for hdrType. With 14 messages and some not implemented (suspend/resume/...) we have little headroom in 4bits of hdrType.  Shall I make the msgVersion 3bits and the hdrType 5bits?

2) the smallest interleaved FEC encoded msg is 30 bytes. With 8 bytes of data: a msgSpec, using RS(15,9) with 4bit symbols, and 4 symbol block interleaving, the smallest on the wire is 30 bytes. Without FEC enabled is it 8 bytes.

3) when run to the end of hdrType room, we can add a jump tag and have a second hdrType field as the 9th byte.

Again, the valid document  link is:

Thank you,

On 12/20/2015 06:20 AM, Clément Bera wrote:


I tried to get your document but I got:

Dropbox - error

Is it only me ?

2015-12-20 11:31 GMT+01:00 Robert Withers <[hidden email]>:

Excuse me for failing to complete this email./ I wanted to ask for feedback on these structures, especially the header specification word structure. So these fields make sense?

thank you,

On 12/20/2015 05:27 AM, Robert Withers wrote:
I wrote up the various SecureSession frame types in presentation document, which you can get here:

These are not yet implemented, but it is progressing. Ne quid nemis.


. .. .. ^,^ robert

. .. .. ^,^ robert

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Re: [Vm-dev] Re: SecureSession frame types

Robert Withers
My apologies for #2 below; what I said is wrong. The smallest message will be 8 bytes, as the messageSpecification is not FEC encoded. I will repair the doc as there are some issues with the spec and layout...done. Once again the link is:
  • MessageSpecification is 8 bytes binary encoded.
  • Header is always asn.1 encoded
  • All messages may be FEC encoded with the FEC header asn.1 encoded.
  • Data Message payload is encrypted.

Change query:
Regarding the Message Specification, with a hdrSize...I don't think we need it. The message size includes everything + the 8 bytes spec. The hdrType will specify the kind of message and header. The specific header knows it's own size and layout.  Therefor, we have 16bits free if we keep an 8 byte msgSpec. Let's rework it to a 7 byte msgSpec as below.  Perhaps it is useful to be 64bit aligned, so leave it at 8. Thoughts? Does this work?

msgSpec: 7 bytes binary encoded
  • HeaderSpecification: 3 bytes
    • multicastSymbol: 6 bits
    • sanguinity: 7 bits
    • msgVersion: 5 bits
    • hdrType: 6 bits
  • msgSize: 2nd word, 4 bytes
    • 4 bytes (total size with msgSpec, header, payload sizes)


On 12/20/2015 07:01 AM, Robert Withers wrote:
Good morning, just a few comments and questions..

1) current 4bits for msgVersion and 4bits for hdrType. With 14 messages and some not implemented (suspend/resume/...) we have little headroom in 4bits of hdrType.  Shall I make the msgVersion 3bits and the hdrType 5bits?

2) the smallest interleaved FEC encoded msg is 30 bytes. With 8 bytes of data: a msgSpec, using RS(15,9) with 4bit symbols, and 4 symbol block interleaving, the smallest on the wire is 30 bytes. Without FEC enabled is it 8 bytes.

3) when run to the end of hdrType room, we can add a jump tag and have a second hdrType field as the 9th byte.

Again, the valid document  link is:

Thank you,

On 12/20/2015 06:20 AM, Clément Bera wrote:


I tried to get your document but I got:

Dropbox - error

Is it only me ?

2015-12-20 11:31 GMT+01:00 Robert Withers <[hidden email]>:

Excuse me for failing to complete this email./ I wanted to ask for feedback on these structures, especially the header specification word structure. So these fields make sense?

thank you,

On 12/20/2015 05:27 AM, Robert Withers wrote:
I wrote up the various SecureSession frame types in presentation document, which you can get here:

These are not yet implemented, but it is progressing. Ne quid nemis.


. .. .. ^,^ robert

. .. .. ^,^ robert

. .. .. ^,^ robert

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Re: [Vm-dev] Re: SecureSession frame types

Robert Withers
Ok, let me make one last change to this 7 byte alternate proposal for the message specification. In the first 3 bytes with 4 fields, use supersymmetry to specify 6bits per field. SO the alternate would look like below...

The whole point of the multicast symbol is to provide for low-level routers to not even have to decode the asn.1 header and distinguish all our message and header types. Just grab the first byte and mask the upper 6bits and shift, there is a destination specifier, at least in the large, as an alternate tunneling capability and would support reuse of 4byte IP addresses for NAT.  If we loose that and knock sanguinity back to 2bits, then we are down to a 6 byte spec + payload.  I'm mulling iot over, obviously.

msgSpec: 7 bytes binary encoded
  • HeaderSpecification: 3 bytes
    • multicastSymbol: 6 bits
    • sanguinity: 6 bits
    • msgVersion: 6 bits
    • hdrType: 6 bits
  • msgSize: 2nd word, 4 bytes
    • 4 bytes (total size with msgSpec, header, payload sizes)

. .. .. ^,^ robert