Re: [Vm-dev] can I have access to

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Re: [Vm-dev] can I have access to

David T. Lewis
Ah sorry, I see it now.

Esteban, I added you as developer on the project.

CC to squeak-dev:

Eliot already indicated his approval on the vm-dev list. I added Esteban
to the FFI repo. Current developers on FFI are the Squeak core developers
plus Esteban.


> Hi Dave,
> no problem with the EL (which in Spanish is like saying “HIM” :P)
> I want to commit to FFI project (not VMMaker), which is allowed for “core
> developers”… and I’m not listed there, that’s why I ask to be included
> there :)
> Esteban
>> On 28 Aug 2015, at 17:42, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> So I can commit my changes to FFI (added
>>> ExternalAddress>>#loadSymbol:fromModule: method and corresponding
>>> test).
>>> thanks!
>>> Esteban
>> Hi Esteban,
>> You already have developer rights on the VMMaker repository, so you
>> should
>> be able to do commits. We set this up a few years ago, so I don't know
>> if
>> you still have the password.
>> Your account is set up as "Esteban Lorenzano (EL)" so I am guessing that
>> you may want to use something different now (instead of initials EL). If
>> so, please go ahead and set up a new account on and I
>> will add that to the VMMaker project.
>> Thanks,
>> Dave