Re: Whither Squeak?

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Re: Whither Squeak?

Edgar J. De Cleene
Esta muy mal que me haga propaganda solo, pero cuando uno de estos gigantes
se digna mandarme mail.....

Les cuento que hice las pases con el mundo, y que espero pronto viajar a
conocer a Juan Vuletich, el lider actual del equipo Morphic.

Es una persona joven que esta en este circo desde el principio (96 o 97) y
que conoce personalmente a varios de los grandes.

Tiene pensada (y probablemente medio hecha) una profunda revisión de
Morphic, mayor a la ya implementada en el 3.9 y que es 85 % su trabajo

>>>Ralph Johnson puso en su mail :

>> But seems my ideas are wrong or crazy.
> Probably not.  Everybody is a little wrong, and most people are more
> than a little right, but it can be hard for people to understand each
> other.
>> In short I put available to all.
> I don't know what this means.  What did you make available to all?
> NavidadMorph?  How did you make it available?  Just posting code isn't
> enough, because people don't know how to look for it.
>> What I think is what Monticello way is you have too big and trouble
>> "pieces".
> The pieces in Monticello are too big.  But "Store" from Cincom is very
> similar to Monticello, and people there make pieces smaller.  I think
> that is partly because Store makes it easy to describe dependencies
> between modules, so when you load an application, it will
> automatically load all the modules that depend on it.
>> Two posible solutions was a Mom - Child setup, were Mom was a normal 3.9 (
>> Jecel point me to his work for reading)
> I don't understand this.
>> The other is the centralized repository , what could be monitored and
>> aproved by real masters like you.
> A central repository is very important.  There can never be a modular
> Squeak without it.

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