On 4 févr. 06, at 20:08, Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:
> stéphane ducasse puso en su mail :
>> What are the cs files that you send to me?
>> Stef
> I explain this in my previous mail.
> You wish Nebraska perform better as now in 3.9 ?
I do not know.
If somebody is maintaining Nebraska and let us know that fixes have
been included
then we will update the package on 3.9.
If nobody cares then we will not care.
> In my images I solve, as I do not have to ask anybody, so Juan and
> you trust
> me or no.
> Do what I say my students, then should disbelieve all, should try
> and found
> if work or not.:=)
> With this you solve the Nebraska peer to peer sharing worlds (where
> that
> WorldState finally shows ) between 3.9 and SqueakPlugin-dev.image
> both ways
> (and between two 3.9, off course)
> Do not solve if two images have different font or font sizes (that
> is the
> proposal what I send to Yoshiki and he still do not answer)
> Hope this help.
> edgar
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