>> Please could we have the defunct and somewhat dangerous
>> ftp.squeak.org/3.8/Squeak3.8-6665-*.zip files removed?
Nobody should
>> be using them when the 3.8.1-6747 files are available.
>It is quite easy to remove the Squeak3.8-6665-*.zip, but all the
>platform packages in the 3.8 directory use the 3.8-6665 image
so should
>rebuild them as well? And if yes do we have any volunteers ?
Hi Karl,
I made two ‘.dmg’ files with the new Mac VM ”3.8.15beta1U”
(universalbinary); one with ‘basic’ image an the other with the
‘full’ image. These are complete (image, change, source, and VM).
They are at:
http://homepage.mac.com/jgr.asselin/Public/FileSharing20.htmlpassword: ‘public’