Re: getting Croquet to work (kernel clarifications)

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Re: getting Croquet to work (kernel clarifications)

Paul Sheldon-2
TCP sounded familiar to me which made me sort of ashamed,
so I googled.

Oh, networking! TCP/IP I did remember some stuff about that,
now I can be more receptive!

"Luis" <[hidden email]> wrote :
"Your assumption is false, both for the original question and for
assuming there was any intent in a non-existing follow up question."

I stand corrected. You know your mind better than I.


"Luis" <[hidden email]> wrote :
"The question I raised was because it was highly unlikely, and still
is, that Vista has a UNIX/BSD/Linux core, which I wanted cleared up.
Microsoft has used Open Source source code (the BSD TCP stack in
Windows 2000) but not in their kernel, which is still, unless proven
wrong, an NT kernel."

I liked the terseness and language in this.
It shall beget more wisdom in me.
It is a shame I promulgated heresay
and your few choice words better approach our community getting at truth.

Now, I know just a little more about the word, kernel.
You definitely have better command of the subject than me.

Again, I stand corrected and thank you.