Re: loadinIg and image file and making vanish after a while

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Re: loadinIg and image file and making vanish after a while

Harness, Kathleen
Hi Offray,
It is good to hear from you!
Your question about images fading is beyond me but I have had some success using scale factor increase/decrease and show/hide to make an effect easier for me and my young students to do.

Since your topic is art, may I mention a recent student project? My students looked at paintings by Miró and used Etoys to create new paintings, dynamic collages, puzzles, and games. Maybe the art teacher would like to see them.

My students spent 4 or 5 class periods on the project starting with looking at about 100 paintings I cut from a book. They chose their favorite and decided what kind of Etoys project they would make. They have been smart using Etoys tools like copy and re-size, and objects and layers of objects to achieve Miró effects. It was a study in depth that they enjoyed and when you look at the whole collection you can see the influence of the artist. When we looked at the finished collection we had some very good discussions about his style, colors, and motifs.

My favorite today is a catch and count game: Alanna and Dana's Miró's Hands.

---- Original message ----

>Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 23:37:42 -0500
>From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>  
>Subject: [squeakland] loading and image file and making vanish after a while  
>To: squeakland org mailing list <[hidden email]>, "A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questionsabout Squeak." <[hidden email]>
>Hi all,
>I would like to create some kind of artistic project on Pharo/Squeak.
>The idea is to make some images appear and vanish slowly after a while.
>Browsing the net I have found this code on pharo to change the background:
>form := (Form fromBinaryStream: (HTTPSocket httpGet:
>     '' ,
>World backgroundImage: form layout: #scaled
>and I imagine that something similar is needed to load any image from
>Internet or hard disk changing the path and making it appear on the
>screen. I have tried this:
>x := ImageMorph new.
>x image: (Form fromFileNamed: '/home/offray/Temp/myFile.png').
>x openInWorld.
>and is working, but I can get the halos on this image on pharo using
>Ctrl + Shif + Click on Pharo, but is not working. So I have 3 questions:
>1. There is any way to get halos on the image by coding instead of
>clicking on it?
>2. Can I use alpha channels to make the loaded image fade after a while
>once it appeared?
>3. I'm using Pharo one click image. There is any way to use the local
>paths of the image to load some images and load some others from the
>Internet? The idea is to distribute the small artistic project in this way.
>This is trying to be a weekend newbie project, to show to my interactive
>art teacher, so any quick help would be really appreciated (first I was
>trying to get the idea, and the using Etoys, so now I'm on pharo, hoping
>to make this work easily).
>squeakland mailing list
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Re: loadinIg and image file and making vanish after a while

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi Kathleen,

Is nice to be back! :)

I have been enjoying your projects and documents in the community even
if I have not being so active for a long while. In fact I'm sharing your
projects with my students and other people here:

And I will share you and your student's Miró projects with my
interactive art teacher also. Now I'm looking something more complex and
tile programming doesn't give me alpha channel handling so I need to "go
under" etoys to use Smalltalk directly and hope for better luck.



El 23/04/11 07:50, [hidden email] escribió:

> Hi Offray,
> It is good to hear from you!
> Your question about images fading is beyond me but I have had some success using scale factor increase/decrease and show/hide to make an effect easier for me and my young students to do.
> Since your topic is art, may I mention a recent student project? My students looked at paintings by Miró and used Etoys to create new paintings, dynamic collages, puzzles, and games. Maybe the art teacher would like to see them.
> My students spent 4 or 5 class periods on the project starting with looking at about 100 paintings I cut from a book. They chose their favorite and decided what kind of Etoys project they would make. They have been smart using Etoys tools like copy and re-size, and objects and layers of objects to achieve Miró effects. It was a study in depth that they enjoyed and when you look at the whole collection you can see the influence of the artist. When we looked at the finished collection we had some very good discussions about his style, colors, and motifs.
> My favorite today is a catch and count game: Alanna and Dana's Miró's Hands.
> Regards,
> Kathleen
> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 23:37:42 -0500
>> From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>  
>> Subject: [squeakland] loading and image file and making vanish after a while  
>> To: squeakland org mailing list <[hidden email]>, "A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questionsabout Squeak." <[hidden email]>
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to create some kind of artistic project on Pharo/Squeak.
>> The idea is to make some images appear and vanish slowly after a while.
>> Browsing the net I have found this code on pharo to change the background:
>> |form|
>> form := (Form fromBinaryStream: (HTTPSocket httpGet:
>>     '' ,
>> 'Maraetaibeforesunrise.jpg')).
>> World backgroundImage: form layout: #scaled
>> and I imagine that something similar is needed to load any image from
>> Internet or hard disk changing the path and making it appear on the
>> screen. I have tried this:
>> x := ImageMorph new.
>> x image: (Form fromFileNamed: '/home/offray/Temp/myFile.png').
>> x openInWorld.
>> and is working, but I can get the halos on this image on pharo using
>> Ctrl + Shif + Click on Pharo, but is not working. So I have 3 questions:
>> 1. There is any way to get halos on the image by coding instead of
>> clicking on it?
>> 2. Can I use alpha channels to make the loaded image fade after a while
>> once it appeared?
>> 3. I'm using Pharo one click image. There is any way to use the local
>> paths of the image to load some images and load some others from the
>> Internet? The idea is to distribute the small artistic project in this way.
>> This is trying to be a weekend newbie project, to show to my interactive
>> art teacher, so any quick help would be really appreciated (first I was
>> trying to get the idea, and the using Etoys, so now I'm on pharo, hoping
>> to make this work easily).
>> Thanks,
>> Offray
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