I'm quite new to Croquet and programming Smalltalk after 10 yrs again isn't
quite easy for me. I using Croquet in a research projekt and would like to
export large *.ase content as described ealier in this thread here. I do have
the problem that I can't find TExporter or similar to write out my loaded mesh
I tried the following:
t3dsmax:= TLoad3DSMax new initializeWithFileName: (FileDirectory pathFromURI:
blah:= t3dsmax frame.
exp:= TIslandCopier new export: blah.
file:= StandardFileStream new open: 'Content/land0/land0.tea' forWrite: true.
exp writeDataOn: file.
The last line is not working. Could someone please me to correct my problem or
suggest a better way.
Best Regards,
Marc Holz