Re: [squeak-dev] Opening two debuggers in a single doit

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Re: [squeak-dev] Opening two debuggers in a single doit

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Marcel,

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 1:04 AM, Marcel Taeumel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Well, I moved the flag inside the deferred call. It works fine for me. :-)

See, if it works for you as well.

It does.  Thank you!  

BTW, here's how I'm using it:

[:m :opts|
 [StackToRegisterMappingCogit cog: m options: opts] fork.
 AltStackToRegisterMappingCogit cog: m options: opts]
value: TabbedPalette class>>#unload
value: #(ObjectMemory Spur64BitCoMemoryManager
debugBytecodePointers #(59)).

It stops two nearly identical JIT compilations of a method at a given bytecode, saving me huge amounts of time stepping to a specific point in two separate debuggers.

The need for editWithLabel: comes in a scan over all the methods in the system where I open the disassembled machine code generated by each JIT, a diff of the disassembly where the two differ, and an explorer on the CompiledMethod.  From that I puzzle out which bytecode caused the difference and then move to my first example to debug.  Contrast this with two simulations of an image where the different results become apparent long after bugs in the code produced by the incomplete refactoring of AltStackToRegisterMappingCogit, and simulation proceeds at a stately pace.



Am 25.01.2018 08:57:01 schrieb Marcel Taeumel <[hidden email]>:

Hi Eliot,

we should not do that. ;-) It is essential to try opening and drawing that debugger first before we flip ErrorRecursion back to false.

I will look into your scenario. You are right, this should work:

[1 halt] fork.
Processor yield.
2 halt.


Am 25.01.2018 01:05:19 schrieb Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]>:


    thank you!!  morphicOpenOn:context:label:contents:fullView: is indeed the method in question. So if one moves the ErrorRecursion := false outside of the addDeferredUIMessage: block everything works.  i.e. now the code reads:

Project current addDeferredUIMessage:
[ debugger := self new
process: process
controller: nil
context: context.
ifTrue: [ debugger openFullNoSuspendLabel: title ]
[ debugger
openNotifierContents: contentsStringOrNil
label: title ].
debugger errorWasInUIProcess: errorWasInUIProcess.
"Try drawing the debugger tool at least once to avoid freeze."
Project current world displayWorldSafely].
ErrorRecursion := false ].

and the old code doesn't work:

Project current addDeferredUIMessage:
[ debugger := self new
process: process
controller: nil
context: context.
ifTrue: [ debugger openFullNoSuspendLabel: title ]
[ debugger
openNotifierContents: contentsStringOrNil
label: title ].
debugger errorWasInUIProcess: errorWasInUIProcess.
"Try drawing the debugger tool at least once to avoid freeze."
Project current world displayWorldSafely.
ErrorRecursion := false ]].

So there question is, what are the tests for the ErrorGuard and ErrorRecursion?  I need to run these before committing the fix above.

Bob, way to go!  Thank you.

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 3:52 PM, Bob Arning <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried this in 5.1 and it worked

Debugger class>>

morphicOpenOn: process context: context label: title contents: contentsStringOrNil fullView: full
    "Open a notifier in response to an error, halt, or notify. A notifier view just shows a short view of the sender stack and provides a menu that lets the user open a full debugger."

    | errorWasInUIProcess debugger |
    ErrorRecursion ifTrue: [
        "self assert: process == Project current uiProcess -- DOCUMENTATION ONLY"
        ErrorRecursion := false.
        "^ Project current handleFatalDrawingError: title"].    <============commented this out

On 1/24/18 6:31 PM, Eliot Miranda wrote:
Hi All,

    I'm comparing two close copies of a class in attempting a complex refactoring, comparing the original code with the close copy.  In doing this I need to open up two debuggers to step through the two computations simultaneously.  If I try it this way, where the two JITs break at a particular bytecode:

[:m :opts|
 [StackToRegisterMappingCogit cog: m options: opts] fork.
 Processor yield.
 AltStackToRegisterMappingCogit cog: m options: opts]
value: TabbedPalette class>>#unload
value: #(ObjectMemory Spur64BitCoMemoryManager
debugBytecodePointers #(59)
compilationTrace 0).

I get an emergency evaluator :-(, and if I type restart I only ever get one debugger.  What's the right way to do this?

To boil down the example I need this to work:

    [1 halt] fork.
    Processor yield.
    2 halt

i.e. I want to be able to get two debuggers, one open on 1 halt, and the other on 2 halt.
best, Eliot


best, Eliot

best, Eliot