Re: [squeak-dev] Squeak Oversight Board Election 2019

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Re: [squeak-dev] Squeak Oversight Board Election 2019

Ron Teitelbaum
Hi All,

Thank you, everyone, for stepping up to run for the Board.  I'd like to stress that having 7 candidates for seven seats is no reason to hold back.  I'd like to encourage you to run if you have been thinking about it and please do continue to encourage others to run.  Everyone that volunteers to run is already a very important part of our community!  Volunteering to help is the important part!  


All the best,

Ron Teitelbaum 

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 8:21 PM Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
I would like to serve on the 2019 board.  This year I intend to
upgrade the old SqueakMap server to a GraphQL service hosted on a
modern Squeak image.  GraphQL is a protocol standard for interacting
with object models in a very powerful way.

Over the years this community has been a great example of how groups
can make better decisions than individuals.  Again and again, I've
witnessed it manage to find and assemble the best integration of ideas
distributed in our minds into a best-balanced solution.  IMO, these
deliberations and our processes are why Squeak 5.2 has become the best
Dynabook it could be so far.  So far...  :)

I'm excited about the implications of GraphQL and its potential to
greatly elevate access to Squeak, and Squeak-based apps, on devices
and interface-styles users are comfortable with.  If elected, the
opportunity to interact with Craig and the other board members will be
invaluable for guidance, advice and ideas.

A good year, beginning now!

 - Chris

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 12:09 PM Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Another reminder that we are running out of time.  If you are considering stepping up and running for the Squeak Oversight Board now is the time.  Please announce your candidacy now.  Voting will start next week!  We have 6 candidates for 7 board seats.
> Craig Latta
> Tim Rowledge
> Marcel Taeumel
> Bert Freudenberg
> David T. Lewis
> Ben Coman
> As a reminder when you vote you will select the candidates by placing them the order you want them ranking them first to last and placing None of the below above candidates you don't want to see elected.  None of the below has never been elected and this is a great group of candidates so I don't expect that to be an issue.  If we don't get 7 elected board members we will seat the highest odd number which means that if we stay with 6 candidates only 5 will get elected.
> Please reach out to people you would like to see on the Board and get them to run.
> Thanks!
> All the best,
> Ron Teitelbaum
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 12:08 PM Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> HI all,
>> Thank you all for stepping up to run for the board.
>> We now have 6 candidates for 7 board seats.   (in the order of announcement)
>> Craig Latta
>> Tim Rowledge
>> Marcel Taeumel
>> Bert Freudenberg
>> David T. Lewis
>> Ben Coman
>> Squeak still needs you.  You can help by running for the board or by getting someone you know that is active in the Squeak community to run!  Now is the time to reach out and get others to run!
>> Don't forget to vote!  The ballots will be coming out next week.  When you see the ballot please vote right away!  Don't leave it for later.  You will have 2 weeks to vote so that we don't miss anyone but please look for the email and vote as quickly as possible.  If you are not on the voter list now is the time to register.  Let me know and I'll add you to the list.  Also if you have a new email address let me know so we can fix it before voting starts.
>> All the best,
>> Ron Teitelbaum
>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 10:23 AM Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 at 00:24, Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> It's that time again.
>>> After years of watching, this year I signed up to vote for the first time!
>>> A personal development program I'm involved in made me realize I've been keeping myself on the sidelines
>>> since the election normally takes care of itself - but my complacency disconnects me from my community.
>>> So I signed up. I would encourage anyone else lurking to also do so.  It really didn't hurt.
>>> And then someone encouraged me to nominate.
>>> My first thought was "no, I'm more involved with Pharo".
>>> Then after consideration I realized who I am is someone concerned with the continuation of Squeak
>>> and with a foot in both camps I may have something of value to offer the Squeak community.
>>> While the two dialects are diverging significantly at the UI level, my interests lie
>>> at the lower levels where there doesn't "necessarily" need to a lot of differences.
>>> Notwithstanding opposing design decisions, the natural enemy is isolation.
>>> So should the Squeak community see value in it, I would:
>>>       * quantify the low level Squeak/Pharo differences referenced against Pharo's headless build
>>>       * promote low level homogenization of dialects (and I'll be glad to learn something new from any dissent around design decisions)
>>>       * promote a headless version of Squeak to run on the same minheadless VM that Pharo is targetting
>>>       * work to reduce dialect specific IFDEFS in the vm code
>>> I offer my candidacy for the 2019 Squeak Oversight Board on that platform.
>>> If you see the possibility of that benefiting Squeak, please let your opinion
>>> be known by voting, particularly if you've not voted before.
>>> cheers -ben

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