On 11.04.2009, at 09:25, Jerome Peace wrote:
> So is there someone in the community willing to take responsibility
> for getting this fixed in the distribution? Please?
It would be great indeed if someone who actually knows Squeak would
help in the VM packaging efforts for the various Linux distributions.
The packages are mostly outdated, not built correctly, missing
plugins etc. - though I'm still grateful for the volunteer packagers'
work done so far. They're Squeak's ambassadors to the larger open-
source community and need our support.
I'm here to help and give advice (both as Linux VM hacker and the
Board's new VM team advisor) but I can't actually spend the time
maintaining a distro package myself (I did so for the OLPC distro but
it is switching to plain Fedora now). If you want to help please
contact me.
- Bert -
> Maybe related to