Hi vm-dev,
Continuing my thread from squeak-dev.
On Mar 20, 2018, at 1:03 PM, Tim Johnson wrote:
>>> Good. I'm off the hook :-) Your subject line is misleading; this is a lock up, not a VM crash. On Mac OS X I see the lock up but see no VM crash. Does it help that you can start from the 6.0alpha download (6.0alpha) instead of starting from scratch?
> Whoops! I'm sorry Eliot. The one time the Win32 VM actually popped up a dialog window (instead of an in-image offer to drop to evaluator), it suggested there had been a VM problem. I could never repeat the pop-up of that dialog window, though. Thanks... I will be more careful about my terminology.
Attached is a crash.dmp file. This crash happened on the Win32 VM, squeak.cog.spur_win32x86_201803080952. IIRC, I was trying to upgrade from #420 to #421. The VM popped up a dialog box indicating some VM statistics and last opcode executed. I failed to capture a screenshot. I was never able to make the same situation crash the VM again after maybe 5 attempts — it only brought me an offer to enter the emergency evaluator.