Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

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Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

marcelo Cortez

Mariano , Folks

the 3.9.1 stock image seems to be fine, but the OmniBase test require
FilePlugin. how to load it?

BTW form squeakMap FFI load fail.

all this on win32 platform

best regards



      Yahoo! Cocina
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Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

David T. Lewis
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 08:58:01AM -0700, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> Mariano , Folks
> the 3.9.1 stock image seems to be fine, but the OmniBase test require
> FilePlugin. how to load it?

FilePlugin is included in the VMMaker package, available on SqueakSource.

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Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

marcelo Cortez
In reply to this post by marcelo Cortez

Hi David

--- El jue 14-may-09, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> escribió:

> De: David T. Lewis <[hidden email]>
> Asunto: Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase
> Para: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list" <[hidden email]>
> Fecha: jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009, 4:26 pm
> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 08:58:01AM
> -0700, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> >
> > Mariano , Folks
> >
> > the 3.9.1 stock image seems to be fine, but the
> OmniBase test require
> > FilePlugin. how to load it?
> FilePlugin is included in the VMMaker package, available on
> SqueakSource.

You mean compiling ?
The Vmmaker process is obscure for me, is posible avoid compiling?
here any guide or link?
Vmmaker brings a compiled version of this plugin?
(dll files for win32 platform).



      Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable

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Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 6:47 PM, marcelo Cortez <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi David

--- El jue 14-may-09, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> escribió:

> De: David T. Lewis <[hidden email]>
> Asunto: Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase
> Para: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list" <[hidden email]>
> Fecha: jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009, 4:26 pm
> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 08:58:01AM
> -0700, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> >
> > Mariano , Folks
> >
> > the 3.9.1 stock image seems to be fine, but the
> OmniBase test require
> > FilePlugin. how to load it?
> FilePlugin is included in the VMMaker package, available on
> SqueakSource.

You mean compiling ?
The Vmmaker process is obscure for me, is posible avoid compiling?
here any guide or link?
Vmmaker brings a compiled version of this plugin?
(dll files for win32 platform).


You can try 2 things:

1) Be sure you don't have FilePlugin installed. In win32 you can pint:

SmalltalkImage current listLoadedModules

2) Try to download a

That VM has FilePlugin inside.







     Yahoo! Cocina
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Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

David T. Lewis
In reply to this post by marcelo Cortez
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 12:47:11PM -0700, marcelo Cortez wrote:

> --- El jue 14-may-09, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> escribi?:
> > De: David T. Lewis <[hidden email]>
> > Asunto: Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase
> > Para: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list" <[hidden email]>
> > Fecha: jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009, 4:26 pm
> > On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 08:58:01AM
> > -0700, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> > >
> > > Mariano , Folks
> > >
> > > the 3.9.1 stock image seems to be fine, but the
> > OmniBase test require
> > > FilePlugin. how to load it?
> >
> > FilePlugin is included in the VMMaker package, available on
> > SqueakSource.
> You mean compiling ?
> The Vmmaker process is obscure for me, is posible avoid compiling?
> here any guide or link?
> Vmmaker brings a compiled version of this plugin?
> (dll files for win32 platform).

No, you do not need to compile anything.

I do not know what is in the OmniBase test, so apologies in advance
if I am not giving the right information. However, this may help:

FilePlugin is a Smalltalk class, just like any other class. It happens
to be part of the VMMaker package (on SqueakSource, or from SqueakMap
or Universes if you do not mind a slightly older version).

I do not know why OmniBase tests would require FilePlugin, but
assuming that it does use it for some reason, you can get a copy
of the FilePlugin class by loading VMMaker.

For background (and you do not need to know this for Omnibase, but
it may be of interest), the Squeak virtual machine (/usr/local/bin/squeak,
or Squeak.exe) is written largely in Smalltalk. When building an
executable Squeak VM, a number of Smalltalk classes are translated
to C source code, and from that into executable machine code. The
class FilePlugin is one of the Smalltalk classes that serve as
"source code" in this process, such that it can both be used as
ordinary Smalltalk, and can also be translated into C code for
inclusion in the VM.

You do not need to worry about the executable FilePlugin module,
because every Squeak VM already has this included (either directly
compiled into the VM executable, or as a separate loadable module).
If that were not the case, you would not be able to access files
from Squeak, so you would not be able to load the image file or
do much of anything.

So don't worry about the FilePlugin executable, it is already present
in your Squeak system. On the other hand, the Smalltalk class FilePlugin
(which you can think of as the source code for the executable FilePlugin)
is only present if you load it e.g. from the VMMaker package on SqueakSource.
Once you have loaded this into your image, the methods in class
FilePlugin can be evaluated just like any other method. My guess would
be that the OmniBase tests are evaluating some method in class
FilePlugin (I don't know why), so you need to have the FilePlugin
class loaded, but you should not need to worry about compiling anything.


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Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 11:58 PM, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> wrote:
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 12:47:11PM -0700, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> --- El jue 14-may-09, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> escribi?:
> > De: David T. Lewis <[hidden email]>
> > Asunto: Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase
> > Para: "The general-purpose Squeak developers list" <[hidden email]>
> > Fecha: jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009, 4:26 pm
> > On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 08:58:01AM
> > -0700, marcelo Cortez wrote:
> > >
> > > Mariano , Folks
> > >
> > > the 3.9.1 stock image seems to be fine, but the
> > OmniBase test require
> > > FilePlugin. how to load it?
> >
> > FilePlugin is included in the VMMaker package, available on
> > SqueakSource.
> You mean compiling ?
> The Vmmaker process is obscure for me, is posible avoid compiling?
> here any guide or link?
> Vmmaker brings a compiled version of this plugin?
> (dll files for win32 platform).

No, you do not need to compile anything.

I do not know what is in the OmniBase test, so apologies in advance
if I am not giving the right information. However, this may help:

FilePlugin is a Smalltalk class, just like any other class. It happens
to be part of the VMMaker package (on SqueakSource, or from SqueakMap
or Universes if you do not mind a slightly older version).

I do not know why OmniBase tests would require FilePlugin, but
assuming that it does use it for some reason, you can get a copy
of the FilePlugin class by loading VMMaker.

For background (and you do not need to know this for Omnibase, but
it may be of interest), the Squeak virtual machine (/usr/local/bin/squeak,
or Squeak.exe) is written largely in Smalltalk. When building an
executable Squeak VM, a number of Smalltalk classes are translated
to C source code, and from that into executable machine code. The
class FilePlugin is one of the Smalltalk classes that serve as
"source code" in this process, such that it can both be used as
ordinary Smalltalk, and can also be translated into C code for
inclusion in the VM.

You do not need to worry about the executable FilePlugin module,
because every Squeak VM already has this included (either directly
compiled into the VM executable, or as a separate loadable module).
If that were not the case, you would not be able to access files
from Squeak, so you would not be able to load the image file or
do much of anything.

So don't worry about the FilePlugin executable, it is already present
in your Squeak system. On the other hand, the Smalltalk class FilePlugin
(which you can think of as the source code for the executable FilePlugin)
is only present if you load it e.g. from the VMMaker package on SqueakSource.
Once you have loaded this into your image, the methods in class
FilePlugin can be evaluated just like any other method. My guess would
be that the OmniBase tests are evaluating some method in class
FilePlugin (I don't know why), so you need to have the FilePlugin
class loaded, but you should not need to worry about compiling anything.


Wow! What a good explanation! Thanks for this Dave. I didn't know what FilePlugin was. I just saw it were as plugin.


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Re: [squeak-dev] Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

marcelo Cortez
In reply to this post by marcelo Cortez

Mariano ,folks

> 1) Be sure you don't have FilePlugin installed. In
> win32 you can pint:
> SmalltalkImage current
> listLoadedModules

SmalltalkImage current listLoadedModules #('SoundGenerationPlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'SoundPlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'Matrix2x3Plugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'FloatArrayPlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'SocketPlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'LargeIntegers v1.5 1 February 2007 (i)' 'ZipPlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'B2DPlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'BitBltPlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'SecurityPlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'FilePlugin 1 February 2007 (i)' 'MiscPrimitivePlugin 1 February 2007 (i)')

FilePlugin seems to be into image... hmmmm..

Now  install FFI success and vmmaker successfully.
but  omnibase test, fire primitiveFailed error here.

  <primitive: 'primitiveDirectoryCreate' module: 'FilePlugin'>
!!! here ====> self primitiveFailed

in the FilePlugin>>primitiveDirectoryCreate method
 I put a self halt. but it never happened...

any ideas will be appreciated


      Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable

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[squeak-dev] Re: Where is FilePlugin ? was Error installing Omnibase

marcelo Cortez wrote:
> Now  install FFI success and vmmaker successfully.
> but  omnibase test, fire primitiveFailed error here.
>   <primitive: 'primitiveDirectoryCreate' module: 'FilePlugin'>
> !!! here ====> self primitiveFailed

Context please. The primitive takes a string for the directory to
create. Most likely the path is invalid. For example:

(FileDirectory default directoryNamed: 'foo' ) createDirectory: 'bar'

will fail since you are trying to create bar as a subdirectory of the
(non-existing) directory foo.

   - Andreas