> 2010/8/29 Nicolas Cellier <
[hidden email]>:
>> 2010/8/29 Levente Uzonyi <
[hidden email]>:
>>> snip...
>>>> Maybe
http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=7109 would serve a bit too...
>>> Hm. This looks interresting, I guess some optimizations are already
>>> implemented:
>>> | x |
>>> x := SmallInteger maxVal raisedTo: 100.
>>> #(-1600 -1597 1597 1600) collect: [ :shift |
>>> [ 1 to: 100000 do: [ :i | x bitShift: shift ] ] timeToRun ].
>>> "CogVM ===> #(150 147 271 64)"
>>> "SquakVM ===> #(97 118 343 71)"
> I regenerated COG, and I get:
> Original COG
> #(281 292 621 275)
> #(284 290 604 271)
> COG + 7109
> #(167 239 509 289)
> #(172 246 500 288)
> Oops, it was development build...
> So I retried with deployment:
> Original COG
> #(116 114 219 65)
> #(116 113 219 65)
> COG + 7109
> #(47 77 120 61)
> #(46 75 120 61)
> So I think yes, the patch should better be integrated.
> It's only a small contributor of crypto timings, but it counts.