Recording a sound while playing annother

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Recording a sound while playing annother

Herbert König

how do I record one sound while playing back another sound?

I've set the preference "can record while playing" and my System can
do that too.

Recording and Playing work, but not together. I'm using 3.8.1.

I do things like:
player := SampledSound new setSamples mySoundArray samplingRate: 48000.
recorder := SoundInputStream new clearRecordedSound. "also tried SoundRecorder"
recorder SamplingRate 48000; stereo: true; startRecording.
"I've added the stereo: message myself so I don't have to worry about
the channel"
player play.   "I hear the sound"
(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
recorder stopRecording.

recorder  condensedSamples inspect

returns an empty SoundBuffer.

Any help is appreciated.


Herbert                          mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: Recording a sound while playing annother

Herbert König

HK> how do I record one sound while playing back another sound?
by now I've managed do get the input like:

tmp := recorder  nextBufferOrNil .
[tmp isNil] whileFalse:
        [buffers add: tmp.
        tmp := recorder  nextBufferOrNil .].

which seems low level to me.

I'd prefer to use the higher level methods of SoundRecorder, so I'd
still appreciate an example.


Herbert                            mailto:[hidden email]