Release candidate Squeak4.4-12317 ready

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Release candidate Squeak4.4-12317 ready

Frank Shearar-3

It's the first time I've zipped something up on a Linux machine, and I
haven't verified it on a Windows machine.

The base image is a copy of the image pulled from the last successful
build (
with a very small post-production script:

    Form openAsBackground: '/home/frank/Documents/squeak/blur_ulam_2.png'.
    NetNameResolver enableIPv6: false.

    Workspace allInstances do: [:w | w topView delete].
    (Smalltalk at: #ReleaseBuilderFor4dot4) prepareNewBuild.
    Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true.

We shouldn't actually need the NNR call now, since the RBf4.4 will do
the same thing.
