Replaceing AnObsolete....Class

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Replaceing AnObsolete....Class

Paul DeBruicker
Hi -

In my image I have at least two obsolete classes that are still
referenced by some code.   They were created when I inadvertently
deleted some classes from the image and reinstalled them from a file out
of an older image.  How can I point the code that is looking for the
obsolete classes towards the re-created classes?  The re-created classes
have the same name as the classes I mistakenly deleted.  Thanks

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Re: Replaceing AnObsolete....Class

Bert Freudenberg
On 01.12.2009, at 18:06, Paul DeBruicker wrote:
> Hi -
> In my image I have at least two obsolete classes that are still
> referenced by some code.   They were created when I inadvertently
> deleted some classes from the image and reinstalled them from a file out
> of an older image.  How can I point the code that is looking for the
> obsolete classes towards the re-created classes?  The re-created classes
> have the same name as the classes I mistakenly deleted.  Thanks


        SmalltalkImage current fixObsoleteReferences

Or recompile the classes referencing the obsolete classes:

        MyClass compileAll

- Bert -

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